Feature #627
Activation and deactivation of a function by configuration.
To be address in 7.4 Edition 3
To be able to activate/deactivate functions in SCL. In February meeting this year, It was described in 7-5 Annex A a new setting "SetMod" and the type could be "ENG" with two values or "SPG". A decision to remove it from 7-5 was made, and It will be part of edition 3 of 7-4. It is in the DomainLN definition.
IEC 61850-7-4
The DO "mod" allows to activate or deactivate a function with online control.
Currently, to deactivate a function by configuration, it is necessary to instantiate the DO mod with valKind = RO or valKind = SET. It should be more appropriate to have a specific DO to do this.
Related issues
Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Short Proposal set to o be able to activate/deactivate functions in SCL. In February meeting this year, It was described in 7-5 Annex A a new setting "SetMod" and the type could be "ENG" with two values or "SPG". A decision to remove it from 7-5 was made, and It will be part of edition 3 of 7-4. It is in the DomainLN definition.
- Standard(s) changed from IEC 61850-6 to IEC 61850-7-4
- WG10 Proposal set to To be address in 7.4 Edition 3
To be able to activate/deactivate functions in SCL. In February meeting this year, It was described in 7-5 Annex A a new setting "SetMod" and the type could be "ENG" with two values or "SPG". A decision to remove it from 7-5 was made, and It will be part of edition 3 of 7-4. It is in the DomainLN definition.
Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo about 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Short Proposal changed from o be able to activate/deactivate functions in SCL. In February meeting this year, It was described in 7-5 Annex A a new setting "SetMod" and the type could be "ENG" with two values or "SPG". A decision to remove it from 7-5 was made, and It will be part of edition 3 of 7-4. It is in the DomainLN definition. to To be able to activate/deactivate functions in SCL. In February meeting this year, It was described in 7-5 Annex A a new setting "SetMod" and the type could be "ENG" with two values or "SPG". A decision to remove it from 7-5 was made, and It will be part of edition 3 of 7-4. It is in the DomainLN definition.
Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo about 4 years ago
- Due date set to 06/17/2021
- Assignee set to Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No
- To discuss in WG10 set to No
2021-03-02: Check with H.D. to see if it is possible to address it in amendment 2.2
Updated by Vladan Cvejic over 2 years ago
- Copied to WG10 Future Work #5942: Activation and deactivation of a function by configuration. added