WG10 Future Work #5929
CIM-61850 Harmonization - allow Terminals with no connections - use explicit ConnectivityNode.name = None
IEC 61850-6
IEC 62361-102 Recommendation R8:
The SCL method of modelling equipment that is not connected is inconsistent with CIM
models. The CIM allows Equipment and their Terminals to be defined regardless of whether
they are connected or not. Allowing unconnected terminals to be indicated by possible (but
not guaranteed) removal of a terminal element does not facilitate automatic mapping.
In IEC 61850-6 Table 6 Attributes of the Terminal element, change the description ConnectivityNode.
Current text: “If the Equipment shall not be connected, then the whole Terminal element shall
be removed.”
Proposed text: “If the Equipment shall not be connected, then the whole Terminal element
shall be preserved. The Terminal attribute connectivityNode may be the name of a normal
ConnectivtyRule or it may have the special value ‘None’”.
Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo over 2 years ago
- Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No
Updated by Vladan Cvejic over 1 year ago
- Tracker changed from WG10FutureWork to WG10 Future Work
- Needs More Information set to No
- Assigned TF 61850-6 added