


Feature #585

SCT unable to configure the device to communicate on multiple subnets due to having a single AP (with all Eth. Ports)

Added by Herbert Falk about 4 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Standard clarification required
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Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
TF Unique ID:
1337 # IOP_2019
WG10 Proposal:

61850-6 does not specify what a subnet is.Multiple ethernet PHYs can be on the same APServices must be consistent across PHYs in a single AP.2nd AP with serverAt is the conformant solution.CBL and HF: Create a tissue to clarify this discussion plus the issue 1337.Work has been done and there is a big discussion regarding the tissue. An agreement is needed first. Still open.2020-10-29: A tissue #1672 has been created as a future work. To be solved in Ed2.2. There is no clear solution that accomodate to Ed2.1 and we have to create new attributes and upgrading/downgrading rules to make it compatible if needed. A new service capability description need to be created. And Ed2.1 client will not be able to be configure in such configuration. You will need to update your client before if you want to use the new configuration. The review request has been prepared but it is not circulated yet.This issue represents a new use case not covered by IEC 61850-6, so the use case has to be created and addressed so no compatibility issue with previous editions as that is a new functionality

Estimated Completion:
It will be solved in IEC 61850-6 Ed2.2(2022)
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
To discuss in WG10:
Short Proposal:

Recommend discussion of standard implementation for APs and subnets.


IEC 61850-6

Needs More Information:
Assigned TF:


A device presents all ethernet ports as a single access point. SCTs unable to configure the device to communicate on multiple subnets due to having a single AP. The manufacturer of the device states IEC 61850-6 fails to clearly define what constitutes an AP and a subnet.

Related issues

Related to IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force - Feature #591: A reservation could not be made via SCL for an IED’s report due to the lack of a ConnectedAP associated with the client’s APClosed


Updated by Vladan Cvejic about 4 years ago

  • Subject changed from A device presents all ethernet ports as a single access point. SCTs unable to configure the device to communicate on multiple su to SCT unable to configure the device to communicate on multiple subnets due to having a single AP (with all Eth. Ports)
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Standard(s) changed from 6 to IEC 61850-6
  • WG10 Proposal changed from 61850-6 does not specify what a subnet is. Multiple ethernet PHYs can be on the same AP Services must be consistent across PHYs in a single AP. 2nd AP with serverAt is the conformant solution. CBL and HF: Create a tissue to clarify this discussion plus the issue 1337. Work has been done and there is a big discussion regarding the tissue. An agreement is needed first. Still open. 2020-10-29: A tissue #1672 has been created as a future work. To be solved in Ed2.2. There is no clear solution that accomodate to Ed2.1 and we have to create new attributes and upgrading/downgrading rules to make it compatible if needed. A new service capability description need to be created. And Ed2.1 client will not be able to be configure in such configuration. You will need to update your client before if you want to use the new configuration. The review request has been prepared but it is not circulated yet. This issue represents a new use case not covered by IEC 61850-6, so the use case has to be created and addressed so no compatibility issue with previous editions as that is a new functionality to 61850-6 does not specify what a subnet is.Multiple ethernet PHYs can be on the same APServices must be consistent across PHYs in a single AP.2nd AP with serverAt is the conformant solution.CBL and HF: Create a tissue to clarify this discussion plus the issue 1337.Work has been done and there is a big discussion regarding the tissue. An agreement is needed first. Still open.2020-10-29: A tissue #1672 has been created as a future work. To be solved in Ed2.2. There is no clear solution that accomodate to Ed2.1 and we have to create new attributes and upgrading/downgrading rules to make it compatible if needed. A new service capability description need to be created. And Ed2.1 client will not be able to be configure in such configuration. You will need to update your client before if you want to use the new configuration. The review request has been prepared but it is not circulated yet.This issue represents a new use case not covered by IEC 61850-6, so the use case has to be created and addressed so no compatibility issue with previous editions as that is a new functionality
  • Estimated Completion changed from It will be solved in IEC 61850-6 Ed2.2 (2022) to It will be solved in IEC 61850-6 Ed2.2(2022)
  • Discuss in Upcoming Meeting set to No

Checking done.


Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo over 2 years ago

  • Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from No to Yes

Updated by Vladan Cvejic over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • Discuss in Upcoming Meeting changed from Yes to No
  • To discuss in WG10 set to No

Related Tissue is already created - #1672.


Updated by Vladan Cvejic over 2 years ago

  • Related to Feature #591: A reservation could not be made via SCL for an IED’s report due to the lack of a ConnectedAP associated with the client’s AP added

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