


Feature #528

SCD files have type defined where bType does not equal Enum or Struct, which does not follow the IEC 61850-6 description

Added by Herbert Falk over 3 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Standard extension required
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
TF Unique ID:
9 # IOP_2017/15
WG10 Proposal:

short proposal implemented -> OK: Specified in 6 Ed2.1. Conformance testing matches the type with NSD, so in principal it is included. "type" is only allowed if "bType" is "Struct" or "Enum"

Estimated Completion:
(2019-06) No target date was set.
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
To discuss in WG10:
Short Proposal:

SCTINF line 4096-4097 states: type: Only used if bType= Enum or bType = Struct to refer to the appropriate enumeration type or DAType (attribute structure) definition.Propose change: “Shall only…”


IEC 61850-6

Needs More Information:
Assigned TF:


The attributes of the DA element and BDA element in 61850-6 define the attribute “type” to be used only if bType=Enum or bType=Struct is used to refer to the appropriate enumeration type or DA Type definition.

The IOP .scd files have type defined where bType does not equal Enum or Struct, which does not follow the 61850-6 description (Table 49 and 50) of the bType attribute in the DA and BDA element.

Vendor was unable to open the low and high voltage .scd files because of this. After removing the incorrectly defined type elements, the .scd file was able to be read by tool.


Updated by Vladan Cvejic over 3 years ago

  • Subject changed from The attributes of the DA element and BDA element in 61850-6 define the attribute “type” to be used only if bType=Enum or bType=S to SCD files have type defined where bType does not equal Enum or Struct, which does not follow the IEC 61850-6 description
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Short Proposal changed from SCT INF line 4096-4097 states: type: Only used if bType= Enum or bType = Struct to refer to the appropriate enumeration type or DAType (attribute structure) definition. Propose change: “Shall only…” to SCTINF line 4096-4097 states: type: Only used if bType= Enum or bType = Struct to refer to the appropriate enumeration type or DAType (attribute structure) definition.Propose change: “Shall only…”
  • Standard(s) changed from 6 to IEC 61850-6
  • WG10 Proposal changed from short proposal implemented -> OK (2019-06): Specified in 6 Ed2.1. Conformance testing matches the type with NSD, so in principal it is included. "type" is only allowed if "bType" is "Struct" or "Enum" to short proposal implemented -> OK(2019-06): Specified in 6 Ed2.1. Conformance testing matches the type with NSD, so in principal it is included. "type" is only allowed if "bType" is "Struct" or "Enum"
  • Discuss in Upcoming Meeting set to No

Checking done.


Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

Confirm to IEC 61850-6 editor that this issue has been accounted for.

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