


CIM Issues #4922

Temperature dependent and most restrictive operational limit

Added by Herbert Falk almost 3 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

In Progress
Author/Contact Info:
Kendall Demaree
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Temperature dependent and most restrictive operational limits
The OperationaLimit on a line should be function or table lookup based on temerature. Also devices should be grouiped together such that the most restrictive device in series will be used for the effective limit. A definition of such grouping is needed.

Proposed Solution

Propose additional modeling associated to OperationalLimit and/or OperationalLimitSet to facilitate this. Also review ERCOT model for this as ERCOT added this functionality also.

Review ENTSO-E extensions that cover Network Codes. There are a few classes that extend the current Operational limit model to use curves that describe dependency on temperature, load, solar radiation,...


Discussed during the 01-Mar-2023 weekly UCT13 call.

Lars-Ola pointed out that there is a trade off between level-of-detail and ease-of-use. The use case must be discussed in greater detail. Note that this also ties into dynamic line ratings so that should be accounted for as part of the proposal.


- The original proposed solution did not cover needed modeling for dynamic line ratings. This must be added.
- Do the weather conditions need to be stored with the dynamics line rating?
- Do we need an information model that describes the dependency between the limit values of the equipment and the weather parameters (i.e. wind, temp, solar effect - irradiance, etc.)?

Would be good to come up with a weather dependent dynamic limit ratings use case for planning purpose. This is time based (or condition based) limit sets for planning purposes. However, we solve this needs to be determined.


Updated by Chavdar Ivanov over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Open to Review
  • Priority changed from Low to High
  • Base Release changed from 61970cim14v15 to 61970cim14v15
  • Proposed Solution updated (diff)

Initial review was done in Sep 2022 meeting in Minneapolis. We need to decide if these few classes are added to CIM18.


Updated by Todd Viegut over 1 year ago

  • Subject changed from Temperature dependent and most restrictive operational limi to Temperature dependent and most restrictive operational limit
  • Proposed Solution updated (diff)
  • Decision updated (diff)

Updated by Eric Stephan over 1 year ago

April 5, 2023: It would be good to look at the use cases for this. (Lars-Ola, Tom B, Chuck, Martin M., Chavdar)
  • For planning purposes I need to do a winter study this provides operational limits for a particular region. For planning you need to forecast temperature. (Chuck, Chavdar, Lars-Ola Tom Berry, Martin part of the discussion).
  • Another use case to support dynamic limit that aren’t regionally defined.
  • What is the industry doing? Do we send out questions to industry?

Updated by Chavdar Ivanov about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Review to In Progress

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