


CIM Issues #6872

Updated by Todd Viegut about 1 month ago

There is a need to compare the output results of different studies over time.    Today we are using the BusNameMarker which is a “human readable” approach, but which is not technically persistent.    We need a machine-readable approach.  

 The primary goal is to be able to link a series of PF solutions to the relevant terminals.    So, the reason for putting SV voltage on a TopologicalNode is that all the terminals linked to that TopologicalNode will have the same values.    Currently we require that all injection flows are included in the solution but not all the terminals that are energized are included. This leads to some tooling having to post-process the solution so that it can show the flow on both sides of a line for instance.  

 * Both mRID and name of the TopologicalNode needs to be persistent across executions. 
 * The user should be able to identify which TopologicalNode-s are persistent and which have been generated as a result of abnormal switching. 

 +Relevant Relevant Use Cases that need to be supported:+ 

 * From a State Estimation case we want to be able to see changes over time of a particular value in a series of SV-s  
 * From Power Flow cases we want to compare the changes over time as well as comparing other Power Flow solutions for the same time (e.g. D-2 for hour 3 compared to D-1 for the same hour 3) 
 * We want to also be able to compare what we’ve calculate in a Power Flow case against what is happening in real time operations (e.g. compare with a calculated D-1 for hour 3 with what happened at D for hour 3) 

