


CIM Issues #6451

Updated by Todd Viegut 5 months ago

Call 18 Oct 2023 
 it is not clear why we have the many side at the PowerElectronicsUnit. This does not match the pattern we have between GeneratingUnit and RotatingMachine. This will need follow up discussion. 

 14-Feb-2024 discussed further final discussing during the WG13 weekly call: 

 - In the 301 for the UML change the cardinality from 1..1 to 0..1 on the *PowerElectronicsConnection*    role end. 
 - In the 452 EQ profile change the direction of the this association  
 - In the 452 EQ profile change the cardinality on the *PowerElectronicsUnit*    role end to 0..* 

