


CIM Issues #6508

Updated by David Haynes 11 months ago

On the Aug 17, 2023 Part 9 team call, the small group felt that the addition of a quality code was a logical proposal we should accept, and that the addition of the <sensorAccuracy> element sounded reasonable too, but needed more discussion. Could it be added at a higher level near the <meter> element, or is it better to add it at a lower level near the <value>? It seems that the answer depends on the use case we are trying to address. If all of the readings are consistently accurate from the same device, then it can be up near the <meter> element, and it is an attribute of the meter. (We may even want to argue the need to create a "meter" class based on EndDeviceAsset.) But, like 61970, it may be best to keep it an attribute of MEAS and inherit the element down in the <value> area -- because different measurements from the same device can have different accuracies. More discussion is perhaps needed in a larger group at a subsequent meeting.
