


CIM Issues #4806

Updated by Pat Brown 11 months ago

In order to cover use cases for coordinated security analysis ENTSO-E also extended OperationalLimits with class  

 VoltageAngleLimit - Voltage angle limit between two terminals. The association end OperationalLimitSet.Terminal defines one end and the host of the limit. The association end VoltageAngleLimit.AngleReferenceTerminal defines the reference terminal. 

 It has association with Terminal 

 It has attribute value and normalValue - The difference in angle degrees between referenced by the association end OperationalLimitSet.Terminal and the Terminal referenced by the association end VoltageAngleLimit.AngleReferenceTerminal. The value can be positive, negative or zero depending on the angle difference between the two terminals. 

 Proposal to add this to CIM18 and close this issue which should also cover ERCOT issue. 

 Oslo 15 June 2023 - agreed. Should be reviewed for approval. 
