


CIM Issues #6368

Updated by David Haynes about 1 year ago

Add This is a new measurementKind of "EventTypeID". Then question for the team to publish discuss: If we were to add a measurement of a status than an event is based on, field #19 and #20 to the commodity ReadingTypeID, where field would 19 was the EndDeviceEvnetType Enumeration EndDeviceDomain, and field 20 was the EndDeviceSubDomain,would it be used sufficient to identify categorize the source measurement (assuming the UOM="status")? The value presented could then be the EndDeviceEventOrAction code. Knowing the ID of the device the measurement (meter, sensor, EVSE, etc.). came from would identify its source. We could supply then carry event statuses as measurements.  

 [A less clean solution would be to attempt to overload two fields, such as numerator and denominator, as these two new fields. The other fields such as commodity, kind, (and most others except for uom) would all be empty. These two fields (plus uom=status) would be populated to indicate it is a measurement of an event status.] 

 [Perhaps all we need is a new "commodity" which is "EventTypeID", then place the EndDeviceDomain enumeration _EndDeviceDomain_    in the numerator field, EndDeviceSubdomain and the _EndDeviceSubDomain_    in the denominator field, set uom equal to "status", then supply have UOM="status", and we can carry the EndDeviceEventOrAction code as the value of the measurement. This would allow better interplay between measurements and events. data in 18 fields.] 
