


CIM Issues #4917

Updated by Todd Viegut over 1 year ago

 WG 13 to discuss if we are changing the description to include the part below. All the rest seems covered. 

 The following text should be added to the class comments of the *LoadResponseCharacteristic*    class. The following text should be append at the end of existing comments: 

 SvFlow.p = pNominal * (frequency/(nominal frequency))**pFrequencyExponent 

 Note that both voltage and frequency exponents could be used together so the full equation would be: 

 SvFlow.p = pNominal Pnominal * (voltage/(base voltage))**pVoltageExponent * (frequency/(base frequency))**pFrequencyExponent 

 This equation covers calculation of SvFlow.p 

 Note, the voltage and frequency expressed in the equation are values obtained from solved power flow. Base voltage and base frequency are those derived from the connectivity of the static network model. 
