


CIM Issues #5062

Updated by Yang Feng about 2 years ago

WG13 Reviewed in weekly modeling call on 2-Sep-2020.    Noted that the originally identified issue as described is more complicated to address than noted.    The following describes the outcomes from that review: 


 The only decision that was made is to update the description on the existing AuxiliaryEquipment class to add the addition that is noted in red below: 


 "AuxiliaryEquipment describe equipment that is not performing any primary functions but support for the equipment performing the primary function. 
 AuxiliaryEquipment is attached to primary equipment via an association with Terminal. 
 This is for AC Equipment only." 


 Initial idea as to how this should be modeled is to introduce a new DCAuxiliaryEquipment (very similar to what we did for Terminal and DCTerminal when we extended our support for DC in the CIM. To not disrupt backwards compatibility, we did not rename Terminal to ACTerminal). 


 Action Item:    We need to understand the use cases for DC Auxiliary Equipment. It is assumed these to be specializations of DCAuxiliaryEquipment. Parking this for now.
