


CIM Issues #5285

Updated by Todd Viegut over 2 years ago

We are proposing to add a value3 set of attributes to the BasicIntervalSchedule and RegularTimePoint classes. 
 BasicIntervalSchedule.value3Multiplier (UnitMultiplier) 
 BasicIntervalSchedule.value3Unit (UnitSymbol) 
 BasicIntervalSchedule.value3Description (String) 
 RegularTimePoint.value3 (Float) 

 To be consistent, IrregularTimePoint could have the value3 added as well, although our use case does not require the value3 use in an IrregularIntervalSchedule. 

 Note that Issue 5151 is related and should be applied at the same time.    This would result in consistent "sets or pairs" of value1*, value2*, value3* attributes. 
