


Issues #7158

GetDataValues and SetDataValues Services

Added by yifan wang about 8 hours ago.

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61850 Standard:
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For GetDataValues and SetDataValues services, if the SUT could only send read/write request for DAs/DOs with specific pathway instead of each DAs/DOs in the model tree, can we say the SUT supports GetDataValues and SetDataValues services?

Because for some SUT, it doesn't support getting the entire on-line model via MMS, it needs to pre-load the CID file, and save part of the model which it cares into local database. In this situation, it could neither send read/write request for any other DAs/DOs outside the part it saved. (Of course it will not support any variation related services, like dynamic dataset).

As a derivative question: Ed2.1 TP has some IOP related test cases for testing the behavior of SUT with Server with future version (cXX46 series), does the SUT must support getting the entire on-line model via MMS (PIXIT.Sr2: Does client support auto description)? Because if the SUT need to pre-load the CID file, normally it will discard the RCBs whose are not standardized.

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