


CIM Issues #6809

Migrate approved Ext* Protection Equipment and Network Code extensions into normative CIM

Added by Todd Viegut 4 months ago. Updated about 1 month ago.

In Progress
Author/Contact Info:
Todd Viegut
Base Release:
Solution to be Applied To:
Solution Version:
Solution Applied By:
Completion Date:
CIM Keywords:
Breaking Change:
Breaking Change Description:
CIM Impacted Groups:

IEC 61970-301

Originally Closed in Version:
Origination Date:
Origination ID:
Originally Assigned To:


During the Joint TF Hybrid meetings in Tokyo we are performing review of the current Protection Equipment and Network Code CIM extension (in the Inf* packages) to evaluate for gropu concensus on which will be made normative as part of the next edition of IEC 61970-301 for CIM18.

This Redmine issue records the packages/classes that have been given approval for migration into the normative CIM model.

Proposed Solution

Extension packages proposed for migration:

  • Takashi's: InfProtectionControlExtentions package
  • ENTSO-E ExtControl and ExtProtection which is related to the link between the 2 ExtControl and Takashi's work
  • Include new ExtSIPS package and clean up the SIPS model and the gate logic.
  • Include ExtCore, ExtDC, ExtFACTS, ExtSecurityLimits (this is AAR in the US - Adjusted Ambient Ratings)
    We need to take into account Tom Berry's (See Redmine issue #) *


13-Jun-2024 Discussed in Joint TF meeting in Tokyo, Japan:

It was agreed that the packages in the Proposed Solution be migrated. Additional comments below from today's discussion.

* ExtControl package: We have discussed previously. There are multiple diagrams. This control is replacing the Regulating Control that we currently have. We previously discussed that the current control should be tagged as deprecated. While both classes work in parallel while we ensure that the new one works as needed.
* TODO: we need a new recloser Function. This will be reviewed and added *after* we merge the extensions into the model. Chavdar to generate a diagram that can be reviewed by Takashi, Chris Culpepper, others.
* TODO: fix the incorrect spelling on these classes when they are migrated: DifferentialProtectionFunctionBlock and DistanceProtectionFunctionBlock

19-Sep-2024 Joint TF Hy rid Meetings - Minneapolis:
Reviewed the above TODO items from Tokyo meetings. The only remaining open TODO above is the 2nd item. This is scheduled for October 2nd with the representative stakeholders planning to attend. Any outcomes from that meeting should be included here and we can apply to the model.


Updated by Todd Viegut 4 months ago

  • Proposed Solution updated (diff)
  • Decision updated (diff)

Updated by Chavdar Ivanov about 2 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Open

Updated by Todd Viegut about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from Open to In Progress
  • Decision updated (diff)

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