CIM Issues #6553
Removal of InfGrid package InfSIPS
CIM17 included a proposed set of modeling to support SIPS in the InfGrid package. In CIM18, this package has been removed. It is understood that there is a new Inf package for ENTSO-E extensions that may have some of the similar modeling support for SIPS, but without the existing InfSIPS package that existed in CIM17, there is no way to harmonize or compare the SIPS support between the different modeling suggestions. Please return the InfSIPS package to the InfGrid package for use in the upcoming modeling sessions for review of SIPS support to be included in the Grid->Base package.
Ask Becky if something was used from the old Inf. Normally nothing should have been used in the published profiles. WG13 agreed (in June 2023, Oslo meeting) to delete the CIM17 SIPS because it was considered covered by the new Inf package.
WG13 is working to bring things from Inf to the Base.