


Support #506

Issue 1: Content of CID with GOOSE Subscriptions During testing we noticed some CID files contained a single IED, whereas others

Added by Herbert Falk about 3 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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TF Unique ID:
21 # IOP_2015
WG10 Proposal:

the first part is already done

It will be done in the CDV amendment 2.1 part 6 for the second one

Estimated Completion:
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
To discuss in WG10:
Short Proposal:

(2015-10-15): Thierry, Camille, Chris
1). In a CID, it is acceptable to have multiple IEDs. In an IID, it is not acceptable.
(2015-10-15): yes, already written in the standard.
- Ed. 1: “It is an SCD file, possibly stripped down to what the concerned IED shall know”
- Ed. 2: “It is an SCD file, possibly stripped down to what the concerned IED shall know (restricted view of source IEDs).”
CID shall not be used for exchanges between SCT/ICT tools.

2). The agreement on subscriptions has been made (e.g. not in private) but needs to be converted into the standard.
CID file is an SCL file and thus shall follow SCL rules => subscription must be in standard SCL at least (additional information may be required by the IED and is thus out of scope of the standard).



Needs More Information:
Assigned TF:


Issue 1: Content of CID with GOOSE Subscriptions
During testing we noticed some CID files contained a single IED, whereas others contained multiple IEDs. Many are under the perception that CID files are to only contain a single IED, however a CID file is also to contain the required information (e.g. MAC Address from other publishers) to bind the GOOSE publishers/subscribers, which may require multiple IEDs to be declared in a CID file.
Some ICT tools are declaring the subscription information in private namespace instead of explicitly declaring it within the IED section using the SCL namespace. It should be clear that all information required for GOOSE binding is to be declared in the SCL namespace.
The two issues are:
1. It is acceptable to have multiple IEDs in the CID file
2. Information required for GOOSE binding should be declared using the SCL namespace
This may also apply to Sample Values.


Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Confirm to IEC 61850-6 editor that this issue has been accounted for.

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