CIM Issues #5035
JCIMClean found 1 attributes (whose type is enumerated type
JCIMClean found 1 attributes (whose type is enumerated type) that use an inexisting enum literal as initial value - change initial value to an existing enum literal
Proposed Solution
Domain::Mass.unit : valid literals = [none, m, kg, s, A, K, mol, cd, deg, rad, sr, Gy, Bq, degC, Sv, F, C, S, H, V, ohm, J, N, Hz, lx, lm, Wb, T, W, Pa, m2, m3, mPers, mPers2, m3Pers, mPerm3, kgm, kgPerm3, m2Pers, WPermK, JPerK, ppm, rotPers, radPers, WPerm2, JPerm2, SPerm, KPers, PaPers, JPerkgK, VA, VAr, cosPhi, Vs, V2, As, A2, A2s, VAh, Wh, VArh, VPerHz, HzPers, character, charPers, kgm2, dB, WPers, lPers, dBm, h, min, Q, Qh, ohmm, APerm, V2h, A2h, Ah, count, ft3, m3Perh, gal, Btu, l, lPerh, lPerl, gPerg, molPerm3, molPermol, molPerkg, sPers, HzPerHz, VPerV, APerA, VPerVA, rev, kat, JPerkg, m3Uncompensated, m3Compensated, WPerW, therm, onePerm, m3Perkg, Pas, Nm, NPerm, radPers2, JPerm3, VPerm, CPerm3, CPerm2, FPerm, HPerm, JPermol, JPermolK, CPerkg, GyPers, WPersr, WPerm2sr, katPerm3, d, anglemin, anglesec, ha, tonne, bar, mmHg, M, kn, Mx, G, Oe, Vh, WPerA, onePerHz, VPerVAr, ohmPerm, kgPerJ, JPers]
TF13 call 18 Oct 2023.
Agreed to close jCleanCim issues as they are old. New issues for CIM18 will be opened in case there is a need to discuss/fix.
Updated by Eric Stephan about 3 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Proposed Solution updated (diff)
Updated by Chavdar Ivanov about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Open to In Progress
- Completion Date set to 10/20/2023
- Decision updated (diff)