


Bug #410

Data models using GGIO when not needed

Added by Herbert Falk over 3 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Implementation - improve conformance testing
Start date:
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% Done:


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TF Unique ID:
4.2 # ENTSO-E
WG10 Proposal:

Today, we have a draft 7-500 that describes the correct usage of LNs for a certain application. This can help the user for the discussion with the vendor about the data model as well as a basis for a specification of the required data model.As long as we do not have standardised basic application profiles, we can however not do a formal conformance test on that.The TF UF shall in a first step develop a guideline on how such a BAP shall be defined and what is the process to develop these BAP in close cooperation with the users.Closed because taken into account by another BAP-TF (7-6).

Estimated Completion:
First step to develop guideline / process for BAPFirst Draft by June 2014 (Wolfgang Brodt / supported by Patrick Lhuillier)Expected completion by End of 2014
Discuss in Upcoming Meeting:
To discuss in WG10:
Short Proposal:

(2)Use of GGIO, when a standardized object is available, is not confrom to the standard. We need to find a way to do "modelling assesment" - but that is not that easy since modeling may always be an issue of interpretation.

Needs More Information:
Assigned TF:

Updated by Herbert Falk over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Updated by Herbert Falk over 3 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High

Updated by Carlos Rodriguez del Castillo over 3 years ago

  • Subject changed from Data models using GGIO too much to Data models using GGIO when not needed
  • WG10 Proposal changed from Today, we have a draft 7-500 that describes the correct usage of LNs for a certain application. This can help the user for the discussion with the vendor about the data model as well as a basis for a specification of the required data model. As long as we do not have standardised basic application profiles, we can however not do a formal conformance test on that. The TF UF shall in a first step develop a guideline on how such a BAP shall be defined and what is the process to develop these BAP in close cooperation with the users. Closed because taken into account by another BAP-TF (7-6). to Today, we have a draft 7-500 that describes the correct usage of LNs for a certain application. This can help the user for the discussion with the vendor about the data model as well as a basis for a specification of the required data model.As long as we do not have standardised basic application profiles, we can however not do a formal conformance test on that.The TF UF shall in a first step develop a guideline on how such a BAP shall be defined and what is the process to develop these BAP in close cooperation with the users.Closed because taken into account by another BAP-TF (7-6).
  • Estimated Completion changed from First step to develop guideline / process for BAP First Draft by June 2014 (Wolfgang Brodt / supported by Patrick Lhuillier) Expected completion by End of 2014 to First step to develop guideline / process for BAPFirst Draft by June 2014 (Wolfgang Brodt / supported by Patrick Lhuillier)Expected completion by End of 2014

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