CIM Issues #7009
Updated by Becky Iverson 3 days ago
10/10/2024: Considering use of enumeration ScheduleKind if the name of the enumeration could be changed to remove the term "Schedule". Or make use of the existing FlowDirectionType which currently has "Forward" and "Reverse" to add in all enum values from ScheduleKind (generation, load, loadIncrease, loadDecrease, generationIncrease, generationDecrease). Possible to add additional enum values of production, consumption (duplicates of generation, load). No decision has been made to date. Karyn and Bhagyashree will propose an updated request.
2024/10/31: Notes:
Change ScheduleKind enumeration name to CommodityDirectionKind;
- productionOnly
The commodity is allowed to flow into the grid only, for example a dedicated generation source
- consumptionOnly
The commodity is allowed to flow out of the grid only, for example a dedicated load
- combinedConsumptionProduction
The commodity may flow in either direction at any given time, for example an energy storage system or a load with embedded generation
Description for what types of commodity flows are allowed at a given point on the grid.
- production
- consumption
- productionIncrease
- productionDecrease
- consumptionIncrease
- consumptionDecrease
Description for the current state of a commodity flow at a given point on the grid.
Note: Review existing descriptions for enum value in ScheduleKind.
11/7: Jan, Karyn, Bhagyashree - Plan to propose UML model updates using the above two distinct enumerations.
11/21: Bhagyashree, Jan - Presented the use of the two new enumerations. Questions around the use of a new class with 0..many cardinality vs incorporating the attributes into an existing class.
1/16: Jan discussed the new MR attached to add an attribute to MarketEvaluationPoint as a string to use the code list of produced, consumed, combined. Team agreed to add the new attribute.
2/20:Team agreed to also make the change to the enum ScheduleKind to be CommodityDirectionKind with the enum values listed above.