


CIM Issues #6764

Updated by Becky Iverson 5 days ago

Agreed, change the description to 'Status of the qualification ('YES' = Active, 'NO' = Inactive).' 
 Discussion included an agreement to change the datatype from the enumeration YesNo to Boolean. 
 Discussion included an agreement to change the name from "qualificationFlag" to "isCertified". 

 Team reviewed and agreed on the description update only. The name of the attribute will stay as qualificationFlag and it will continue to use the enumerationYesNo. 

 2024-07-11: Re-opened issue (In Progress): Team decided to deprecate the qualificationFlag attribute (it will still be available to be used by existing implementations) and add a new attribute "isCertified" of type boolean. Description of "Indicator that the resource is certified for the specified market (which is a kind of MarketType) and type (which is a kind of ResourceCertificationKind)." 
