


CIM Issues #6785

Updated by Chavdar Ivanov about 1 month ago

The following classes were added WardEquivalent ExtendedWardEquivalent 
 The ExtendedWardEquivalent has r, x, and the regulating status and voltage attributes all required attributes in the profile. The attributes are moved from EquivalentInjection. ExtendedWardEquivalent    gets r0, r2, x0, x2 as part of the SC profiles 
 EquivalentInjection is abstract in the profile 
 The association with ReactiveCapabilityCurve is moved to ExtendedWardequivalent 
 Attribute regulationCapability is deleted as ExtendedWardEquivalent always has the capability to regulate. The regulationStatus is kept for SSH usage to have the ability to deactivate the voltage control although this is also questionable as this will turn the Extended ward to a ward. 

 Changes are applied in EQ, SC and SSH profiles.
