


CIM Issues #6632

Updated by Svein Olsen 4 months ago

2024-03-11: Discussed in the hybrid meeting: 
 The text: "An item that has not been deprecated is not guaranteed to be retained in future versions, but using an item marked as deprecated should be avoided if possible." is replaced with 
 "An item can be removed without being tagged as deprecated in a previous version. One reason for deprecating a class, attribute or association rather than removing it, could be to allow for the use of the item a new version of an existing profile that is updated with non-breaking changes. New profile should not use any deprecated items." 

 The new text is: 
 “4.7.5 Deprecations 

 The CIM model may at times contain packages, classes, attributes, or associations that have been identified as deprecated. These items will be noted in the documentation or with a UML stereotype of “deprecated”. A deprecated item is retained in the present version of the model, but is expected to be removed from future versions. An item can be removed without being tagged as deprecated in a previous version. One reason for deprecating a class, attribute or association rather than removing it, could be to allow for the use of the item a new version of an existing profile that is updated with non-breaking changes. New profile should not use any deprecated items" 
