


CIM Issues #6713

Updated by Svein Olsen 5 months ago

As part of the development of IEC 61970-302:Ed2 and IEC 61970-457:Ed2 it was agree to create persistent and resolvable URI for CIM namespace and CIM profiles.  

 For the namespace we are using: 

 For profile we follow the pattern with gives this example: 
 • 	 DY: 

 We have got some push-back to use https rather than http. This was discussed as part of the decision; however it seems to be the best-practice to use http and then redirect to https. 

 The w3c website works this way. When you go to it opens directly 

 Github seems to support both http and https, Our works with both and 
 Todd has demonstrated that we can easily configure Github to do the same redirect as w3c. 
 This was discussed in the CIM and Semantic task force. We had a long discussion as there were group member that did not see the point of using https as we could just following the w3c approved by re-direct from http to https.  
 We tried to find anywhere in w3c where http was recommended, the consensus would be that we should follow w3c recommendation that when issues are raised, we can refer to this recommendation. 
 However, we then found this blog: HTTPS and the Semantic Web/Linked Data | 2016 | Blog | W3C 
 Together with the fact that UNCEFACT has moved to use https: 

 We have also found that ISO standard Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF): 


 It is therefore the group clear recommendation that we update reference from http to https. 
