


CIM Issues #6599

Updated by Chavdar Ivanov 5 months ago

- Added SvDCPowerFlow that inherits from StateVariable (description: State variable for power flow. Load convention is used for flow direction. This means flow out from the DCTopologicalNode into the equipment is positive.) 
 the class has attribute .p with description: The active power flow. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a DCTopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment. 
 - added association between DCTerminal and SvDCPowerFlow 
 - Added class SvDCVoltage that inherits from StateVariable and has association with DCTopologicalNode. The description is: State variable for direct current voltage. 
 - Added SvDCVoltage.v with description State variable for direct current voltage 
 - added DCTerminal.polarity with datatype enumeration DCTerminalPolatityKind (positive and negative) 

 Profile changes 
  - 61970-452 - DCTerminal.polarity added as optional attribute in EQ profile 
 - 61970-456 - SvDCVoltage    and SvDCPowerFlow    added to SV profile 
 - 61970 -452 - Add the following constraint  
 If a DC system contains VsConverter the attribute DCTerminal.polarity is required for all DCTerminal within the DC system. 
