


CIM Issues #6599

Updated by Chavdar Ivanov 7 months ago

- Add class SvPowerFlowDc that inherits from StateVariable (description: State variable for power flow. Load convention is used for flow direction. This means flow out from the DCTopologicalNode into the equipment is positive.) 
 the class has attribute .p with description: The active power flow. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a DCTopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment. 

 - add association between DCTerminal and SvPowerrFlowDC 
 - Add class SvVoltageDC that inherits from StateVariable and has association with DCTopologicalNode. The description is: State variable for direct current voltage. 
 - Add SvVoltageDC.v with description State variable for direct current voltage. 

 - Add DCTerminal.polarity with datatype enumeration DCTerminalPolatityKind (positive and negative) 

 Description: Represents the normal network polarity condition.  
 Discuss possible alignment with ACDCConverterDCTerminal 

 15 Nov 2023 
 On the polarity: 
 - we need some information from Measurement  
 - there is thinking that + and - might change. This needs to be double checked and based on this we can see what is in the EQ and what can be in result and if it should be exchanged. However for LCC technology the polarity of the terminals at the DC side is changing depending on the direction of the power flow. Therefore in the profile we have to keep the polarity optional and have constraints to require or not depending on the technology. 

 On the Sv classes 
 we agree to add the classes, but call them SvDCPowerFlow and SvDCVoltage 

 13 Dec 2023: 
 Chavdar checked that we have two situations depending on the HVDC type/configuration. In case we HVDC that used VSC technology, we need explicit polarity of the terminals in the DC part of the grid.
