


CIM Issues #5113

Updated by Chavdar Ivanov almost 2 years ago

Applied the following changes 
 Change to the NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint: 
 b is replaced with bTotal: Total positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance at section noted by sectionNumber. 
 b0 is replaced with b0Total: Total zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance at section noted by sectionNumber. 
 g is replaced with gTotal:    Total positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance at section noted by sectionNumber. 
 g0 is replaced with g0Total:    Total zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance at section noted by sectionNumber. 

 Modified the description of the NonlinearShuntCompensator to refere to the new attributes 

 Applied similar changes to the NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhase and NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoint as well 

 Modified EQ and SC profiles in 61970-452.
