


Issues #6210

Updated by Hua Qin over 1 year ago

PIXIT Svs3 gives user the option to say Y or N to support simulation mode for preferred rate and backwards compatible rates. 
 sSvs4 only tests the preferred rate. 
 rate and the expected result indicates only Y can be the option. 

 It is suggested suggested: 
 * Update PIXIT entry Svs3 
 for Preferred rate, there is only one option which is Y. N is not consider. (Correct me if I am wrong) 
 for backwards compatible rates: I am not sure simulation has to update be supported or the user can choose Y or N 

 * Update test case sSvs4. 

 Need to specify that the DUT shall be configured with maximum preferred variant of all preferred variants and one lowest rate backwards compatible. 
 * Specify Speficy SV1 is the maximum preferred variant and SV2 is the lowest backwards rate to make test case clear rate. 
 * Add steps or description in original steps to cover the test for lowest rate backwards compatible sample values 
 * similar as sGos6, step 1 (or we can have sSvs4a for preferred rate and sSvs4b for backwards compatible one) 

 Step 4 to 3 are mandatory while step 4-7 are optional depending on 7 requires the PIXIT entry Svs3. Should we separate this test cases DUT to subscribe to two parts as what we do in test cases sGos6. sample value streams. 
