


CIM Issues #5845

Updated by Becky Iverson over 2 years ago

Propose the following updated descriptions for the enums: 
 EN: Energy generally priced per kWh or MWh 
 LFU: Load following up (power injection) generally priced per kW or MW 
 LFD: Load following down (power withdrawl) generally priced per kW or MW 
 RU: Frequency Regulation Service (energy injection) 
 RD: Frequency Regulation Service (energy withdrawl) 
 REG: Frequency Regulation Service (injection and/or withdrawl) 
 SR: Spinning Reserve or Contingency Reserve generally priced per kWh or MWh 
 NR: Non-spinning Reserve or Replacement Reserve generally priced per kWh or MWh 
 RC: Residual Unit Commitment (Resources with available capacity for a forward market such as Day Ahead. An award indicates they are needed for resource adequacy (i.e. reliability) purposes.) 
 RPU: RampUp: Power injection generally priced per kW or MW 
 RPD: RampDown: Power withdrawl generally priced per kW or MW 
 RMU: Regulation Mileage Up 
 RMD: Regulation Mileage Down 
 PL: Power Limit (see use case from Peter F. "Use Case Power Limit.docx")
