


CIM Issues #5762

Updated by Becky Iverson almost 2 years ago

Updates to RegisteredLoad attributes as follows: 
  blockLoadTransferFlag:    needs new description from use case 
  dynamicallyScheduledLoadResourceFlag    needs new description 
  dynamicallyScheduledQualificationFlag    move to ResourceCertification? 
  loadRegistryMSS    remove 
  maxBaseLoad    Moved to InfReferenceData:RegisteredControllableLoad  
   Move min/max reduction and curves to InfReferenceData package 
  NPLCustomLoadAggregation    remove 
  participatingLoad    remove    duplicate of marketParticipationFlag in RegRes 
  resourceSubType    controllable vs non-controllable    use dispatchFlag from RegRes    Remove 
  Moved all reduction (demand response controllable load attributes) to InfReferenceData.RegisteredControllableLoad 
  Updated remaining attributes to use Boolean datatype instead of YesNo enum. Removed redudant "Flag" from attribute names 
 Updates to RegisteredResource 
  dispatchFlag - Changed name to dispatchable, updated description, changed dataType from YesNo to Boolean 
