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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
3098 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 1 WG17 In Progress Normal Need to Change 8-1 to allow multiple DOs to be written 03/29/2022 09:36 AM Actions
6711 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 WG10 Fall workshop In Progress Low SCL Modelling of Fault Measurements (RFMX) 02/29/2024 08:33 AM Actions
6447 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Low Enhanced Quality Information for Measurements (accuracy classes, update periods, filter applied, algorithm applied, etc.) 02/08/2024 03:16 AM Actions
6439 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New High Inter-substation GOOSE Naming convention (90-1) 10/26/2023 03:42 AM Actions
6433 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Low SCL Extensions (partial configuration updates in a top-down approach, mixed editions with private CDCs, etc.) 02/08/2024 03:03 AM Actions
6419 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop New Normal Logical Nodes for SLD/Topology Aware Functions 02/09/2024 04:55 AM Actions
6414 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work WG10 Fall workshop In Progress Urgent Golden Single Line Diagram For All SCL/GCL/HCL Examples 10/26/2023 02:58 AM Actions
6686 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Tissue #1892 New Normal Description of the different control methods to change position of OLTC (in automatic, manual modes) 01/23/2024 11:02 AM Actions
7080 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement TF OCL New Normal When an exchange is defined between 2 IEDs, check that they are connected on the same Subnetwork (at the AccessPoint level) 12/16/2024 03:38 AM Actions
6545 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 TC92 WG2 Waiting for Release Normal Propagation of detailQual 02/29/2024 07:17 AM Actions
6687 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 SEL Waiting for Release Normal Incorrect signal direction for GOOSE messages between CSWI and XCBR 02/29/2024 08:10 AM Actions
631 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature 44 RTE Triage Normal Evolution of LN PSCH to build switching on information 08/17/2021 08:03 AM Actions
623 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature 19 RTE In Progress Normal New LN of group L (as "LPLE") representing a group of LED 03/02/2021 09:42 AM Actions
619 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature 15 RTE Resolved Normal New LN of group L (as "LTED") to represent the dynamic topology of the substation. 05/09/2023 09:32 AM Actions
6726 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 RTE In Progress Normal New LN of group L (as "LTED") to represent the dynamic topology of the substation. 02/29/2024 09:07 AM Actions
6725 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 RTE In Progress Normal Simultaneous change of InRef.setSrcRef and InRef.setSrcCB for dynamic commutation 02/29/2024 09:07 AM Actions
6607 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 RTE New Normal Create DO indicating the source of synchronisation 11/21/2023 08:49 AM Actions
6606 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 RTE New Normal CPU monitoring 11/21/2023 08:40 AM Actions
6560 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Redmine: 6443 New Normal Multiple information sources 10/26/2023 04:02 AM Actions
6559 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Redmine: 6443 New Normal Modelling of a Lockout/trip seal-in relay 06/13/2024 07:47 AM Actions
6558 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Redmine: 6443 New Normal How to model composed functions 10/26/2023 04:01 AM Actions
6557 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Redmine: 6443 New Normal Modelling of various MCB trips 06/13/2024 08:25 AM Actions
6556 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Redmine: 6443 New Normal How to impact the data quality of a data with respect to the communication links, the intermediate processing, the device hosting it. 10/26/2023 04:00 AM Actions
6562 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Redmine: 6155 New Normal Missing LN for Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) 10/26/2023 05:17 AM Actions
7047 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Nanjing WG10 Meeting New Normal Compile a list of acronyms for inclusion in UML 11/01/2024 03:40 AM Actions
599 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature 12 IOP_2019 Resolved Normal ICD files do not match requirements (several issues) - increase in engineering efforts 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
6714 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work IEC PAS 61850-90-3 New Normal Improve the models used for power regulation 02/20/2024 11:04 AM Actions
555 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Support 2 H30 Rejected Normal Link Failover reliability problem - implication to protection application 10/25/2022 09:01 AM Actions
554 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Support 1 H30 Resolved Normal Performance requirement for SV and implications to Protection applications 05/09/2023 09:32 AM Actions
5955 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement EDF Resolved Normal Indicate typical SIUnit for every DO with CDC MV would help users + Add a dedicated attribute in NSD files instead of having it in the description ? 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
5966 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work EDF New Normal Indicate typical SIUnit for every DO with CDC MV would help users + Add a dedicated attribute in NSD files instead of having it in the description ? 02/09/2024 04:02 AM Actions
6819 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 discussion New Normal Reworking IEC/TR 61860-7-500 clause about pole discrepancy 07/26/2024 04:43 AM Actions
6684 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 discussion New Normal Proposal to deprecate 'LocSta' in X and Y group LN classes 01/22/2024 02:50 AM Actions
7058 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Christophe Camélis New Normal Clarifications about 'PTRC.Op' and 'PTRC.Tr' 11/20/2024 01:55 AM Actions
7030 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Bug Resolved Normal Is there a use case for applying more than one trgOpt on a particular DA? 10/22/2024 09:09 AM Actions
7001 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Bug Resolved Normal Presence condition of DO in statistic Logical Nodes 10/22/2024 08:15 AM Actions
6622 IEC 61850 TPWG Bug Rejected Normal Test case Ttf1 (mustUnderstand) for the ICT conformance test needs clarification 12/12/2023 08:19 AM Actions
6596 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Bug Resolved Normal Simulation Mode with Centralized Protection 11/21/2023 08:32 AM Actions
6226 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Bug Resolved Normal In the downgrading rules from ed 2.1 to ed 2.0 in part 6, it is mentionned to exclude ORS CDC (I.4.2.4). Why CDCs: CST, VSD and TCS that were also added in ed2.1 are not mentionned to be excluded also ? 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
7033 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature Resolved Normal Addition of DO SPS in the LN KPMP 10/22/2024 09:23 AM Actions
6767 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature Resolved Normal Specifying virtualized physical devices and LN's 06/03/2024 03:10 AM Actions
6739 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature In Progress Normal How to deal with 'Beh' and 'Health' of isolated functions 04/09/2024 08:43 AM Actions
7062 General Testing Issues Improvement Resolved Normal Need to be able to test Virtual IEC 61850 Devices 01/07/2025 08:40 AM Actions
6738 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement Resolved Normal Amending TGSN LN class with settings for adapting the signal 04/09/2024 08:19 AM Actions
6370 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement Resolved Normal SBOns to be deprecated in future. 06/20/2023 09:39 AM Actions
5968 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement Resolved Normal Change the diagrams in 7-500 to not use yellow lines 06/05/2023 01:58 AM Actions
5921 General Testing Issues Improvement Resolved Normal Start using Vendor and Lab Submission Information 09/06/2022 09:33 AM Actions
7097 Server Issues New Normal Step number error in expected result of sGos6b in Rev1.3 test procedure 01/13/2025 01:47 AM Actions
7091 Server Issues In Progress Normal sSrv17 - New value should be different from the previous one and not from the SCL value. Test case will not work twice with SPG setpoints. 01/07/2025 08:41 AM Actions
7089 Server Issues In Progress Normal sMdl4, sMdl6 and sMdl15 not possible for SV only device 01/07/2025 08:44 AM Actions
7084 Server Issues Resolved Normal sTmP5 clarify the format of LTMS.TmsSrc = GMCID 01/07/2025 08:50 AM Actions
7083 Server Issues New Normal sLog6 to sLog9 too many steps in one detailed test procedure 12/18/2024 07:44 AM Actions
7082 Server Issues Rejected Normal sCnf121 requires to use lnNs for the 61869-9 extensions 01/07/2025 08:59 AM Actions
7074 Server Issues New Normal Update chapter 1.1 identifications table to have SCT simulator information 12/05/2024 04:07 AM Actions
7073 Server Issues New Normal Reference to SICS I211 12/11/2024 03:27 AM Actions
7060 Server Issues New Normal change subscribe to SPC to subscribe to SPS in test case sGos21 sGos22 12/03/2024 05:52 AM Actions
7059 Server Issues New Low typo in test case sGos22 comment 11/20/2024 03:59 AM Actions
7052 Server Issues New Low Typos in server PIXIT As5 and As6 11/14/2024 03:30 AM Actions
7029 Client Issues Resolved Normal cFtN3 step 2: SetFile has no Ed1 specific error code 10/29/2024 09:03 AM Actions
7028 Server Issues Resolved Normal There is no conformance procedure/block for TimeOperated Control 11/12/2024 09:16 AM Actions
7010 Client Issues Resolved Low UCA logo is missing on the certificate template of the goose performance 10/29/2024 09:02 AM Actions
7008 Server Issues Rejected Normal Proposal to change Mandatory test items related to compatibility to Conditional 10/01/2024 08:19 AM Actions
6991 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCnf75 not all devices have control objects 11/12/2024 08:08 AM Actions
6990 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSvp9 step 4 PTP class not 6/7 with/without holdover time? 12/10/2024 08:26 AM Actions
6989 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSvp14 for Backwards the max MSVID is 34 char not 32 10/29/2024 08:56 AM Actions
6988 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCtl16 in TP1.3 is in conflict with 7-4 Table B.1 01/07/2025 08:11 AM Actions
6905 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSBOes8 why is time validated for Cancel but not for the Operate 10/29/2024 08:55 AM Actions
6904 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCtl14 in TP1.3 does not reflect the Issue #6214 resolution 10/29/2024 08:53 AM Actions
6903 Server Issues Resolved Normal sGos20 requires the ICT to accept invalid SCD files due to FC out of tFCEnum 10/29/2024 08:52 AM Actions
6902 Client Issues Resolved Normal cLogN5 has no Ed1 specific error code 10/29/2024 08:51 AM Actions
6897 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCnf7, sCnf66 services can be defined on IED and AccessPoint when identical 11/12/2024 08:31 AM Actions
6896 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSrv17 remove FC=EX not applicable for SetDataValues 10/29/2024 08:46 AM Actions
6886 Server Issues In Progress Normal Tissue 1897 Data-change and data-update inclusion bitstring bits set in a report 01/07/2025 08:14 AM Actions
6881 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tDfe6b the SCT is not allowed to create new bindings 10/29/2024 08:43 AM Actions
6875 Client Issues Resolved Normal Update Client certificate template following the server certificate template 10/29/2024 08:53 AM Actions
6835 Test Procedure Issues Issues In Progress Normal Impact of publication of IEC 61850-6 Edition 2.2 on Edition 2.1 certification of Server/Client and Tools 01/07/2025 08:15 AM Actions
6830 Server Issues Resolved Normal Testing max number of persistent and non-persistent datasets 08/06/2024 08:11 AM Actions
6823 Server Issues Resolved Normal sAss4 - Step 2 indicates two different situations with localDetailCalling 08/06/2024 08:15 AM Actions
6821 Server Issues Resolved Normal Missing SMVsc check - sCnf130 07/23/2024 08:37 AM Actions
6817 Server Issues Resolved Normal sBr25 purge only when attribute value change 08/06/2024 08:20 AM Actions
6816 Client Issues Rejected Normal cBr31 is mandatory but for not applicable "small" client controllers 07/23/2024 08:51 AM Actions
6793 Client Issues Resolved Normal cCnf13 the ICT tool shall refuse the configuration 05/28/2024 09:04 AM Actions
6792 Client Issues Resolved High Discrepancies between certificate tables and testprocedures - client testprocedure 06/11/2024 08:06 AM Actions
6777 Client Issues Resolved Normal SCD import and Tool Functionality test procedures 05/28/2024 08:05 AM Actions
6776 Client Issues Resolved Normal cSBOns4 requires different control value 05/28/2024 08:07 AM Actions
6751 IEC 61850 TPWG Issues Resolved Normal Update IEC 61850 QAP Addendum for adding requirement quickly 04/16/2024 08:16 AM Actions
6728 Client Issues Resolved Normal cSg13 refers to PIXIT entry Sg5/Sg6 but not clarified in the expected result 05/28/2024 08:17 AM Actions
6727 Client Issues Resolved Normal cDsN1bc, cFtN2 have no non-Ed2 specific error code 04/02/2024 08:42 AM Actions
6724 Client Issues Resolved Normal GOOSE Subscriber sGos12 test expects DUT to _send_ a GOOSE message 08/06/2024 08:49 AM Actions
6688 Client Issues Resolved Normal cSrvN10 - Ed1 specific error codes do not exist for MMS GetNameList 04/02/2024 08:42 AM Actions
6685 GOOSE Performance Issues Resolved Normal Device need to be certified for Ed2.1 server first 06/11/2024 08:28 AM Actions
6655 Client Issues Resolved Normal cLogN5 is missing in table A4.2 and certificate template 01/09/2024 08:28 AM Actions
6654 Client Issues Resolved Normal Tracking numbering mismatch Ed2 <> Ed2.1 01/09/2024 08:27 AM Actions
6653 Server Issues Rejected Normal sFt2c does deletable means everything else is not deletable 01/09/2024 08:19 AM Actions
6631 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tTf1 (mustUnderstand) for the ICT test needs clarification 01/09/2024 08:59 AM Actions
6617 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tIieN1 - can a popup warning be considered as 'not allowed' 01/07/2025 08:25 AM Actions
6591 Server Issues Rejected Normal sSg11 - Non-volatile property test (for various FCs) 11/14/2023 08:38 AM Actions
6590 Server Issues Rejected Normal sGopN2 - The clear meaning of too large a dataset 11/14/2023 08:58 AM Actions
6589 Server Issues Rejected Normal Create DataSets with Multiple Clients (for example, sDsN4) 11/14/2023 08:48 AM Actions
6568 Server Issues Rejected Normal The definition of LTMS.TmSrc is different in the actual AMD1 and Consolidated Version - 1846 11/14/2023 08:37 AM Actions
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