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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
7056 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SEL-3350 11/15/2024 06:09 AM Actions
7057 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Waiting for Release Normal Figure 25 Errors 11/19/2024 10:43 AM Actions
7058 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Christophe Camélis New Normal Clarifications about 'PTRC.Op' and 'PTRC.Tr' 11/20/2024 01:55 AM Actions
7059 Server Issues Resolved Low typo in test case sGos22 comment 01/21/2025 08:26 AM Actions
7060 Server Issues Rejected Normal change subscribe to SPC to subscribe to SPS in test case sGos21 sGos22 01/21/2025 08:25 AM Actions
7061 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SEL-3350 11/25/2024 06:52 PM Actions
7062 General Testing Issues Improvement Resolved Normal Need to be able to test Virtual IEC 61850 Devices 01/07/2025 08:40 AM Actions
7063 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SA-OPD 11/27/2024 01:42 PM Actions
7064 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SA-OPD 11/27/2024 01:45 PM Actions
7065 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SA-ICD 11/27/2024 02:00 PM Actions
7066 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SA-ICD 11/27/2024 01:59 PM Actions
7067 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SA-ICD 11/27/2024 02:19 PM Actions
7069 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SA-ICD 11/27/2024 02:21 PM Actions
7072 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal


Add .orderedPhases attribute to TransformerTankEnd 12/04/2024 10:25 AM Actions
7073 Server Issues Resolved Normal Reference to SICS I211 01/21/2025 08:30 AM Actions
7074 Server Issues Resolved Normal Update chapter 1.1 identifications table to have SCT simulator information 01/21/2025 08:14 AM Actions
7075 WG16 Issues CIM Issues New Normal InterTieBid attribute minHourlyBlock has a trailing whitespace in the attribute name that should be removed 12/11/2024 03:59 PM Actions
7076 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues New Normal Place for meeting minutes from common meetings regarding CIM UML 12/12/2024 02:25 PM Actions
7078 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Easergy MiCOM P743 Numerical Busbar Protection Relay 12/15/2024 09:45 AM Actions
7079 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Easergy MiCOM P741 Numerical Busbar Protection Relay 12/15/2024 10:23 AM Actions
7080 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement TF OCL New Normal When an exchange is defined between 2 IEDs, check that they are connected on the same Subnetwork (at the AccessPoint level) 12/16/2024 03:38 AM Actions
7082 Server Issues Rejected Normal sCnf121 requires to use lnNs for the 61869-9 extensions 01/07/2025 08:59 AM Actions
7083 Server Issues Resolved Normal sLog6 to sLog9 too many steps in one detailed test procedure 01/21/2025 08:09 AM Actions
7084 Server Issues Resolved Normal sTmP5 clarify the format of LTMS.TmsSrc = GMCID 01/07/2025 08:50 AM Actions
7085 WG16 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Bid attributes missing descriptions. 12/19/2024 02:06 PM Actions
(2226-2250/2284) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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