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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
2021 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal AC 800M CI868 [ABB Automation GmbH] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2020 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ZIV DBN [ZIV GRID Automation S.L.] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2019 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal GRD110 [TOSHIBA Corporation] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2018 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal GRD130 [TOSHIBA Corporation] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2017 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal GRB150 [TOSHIBA Corporation] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2016 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal YSDPI9800 Multifunction Prot. [YOUSUNG Instrument & Electric Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2015 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Distance Relay MDT-HA [Mitsubishi Electric Corporation] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2014 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Current Diffl Relay MCD-HA [Mitsubishi Electric Corporation] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2013 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal PCS-902 [NR Electric Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2012 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SPRECON-E-P94-DD6 [Sprecher Automation GmbH] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2011 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Callisto (nx) Base Unit [Remsdaq Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:22 PM Actions
2010 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal REC670 [ABB AB] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
2009 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal WISCOM iPACS-5911 UHV Trans [Wiscom System Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
2008 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal PCT210 IEC-MMS-GOOSE [Advanced Control Systems] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
2007 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal GRB100 [TOSHIBA Corporation] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
2006 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal GRD140 [TOSHIBA Corporation] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
2005 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal GTNET-GSE [RTDS Technologies Inc.] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
2004 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ViPAM5000 [VITZROTECH Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
2001 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal X GIPAM Multifunctional Protec [LS Industrial Systems Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
2000 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal D25 Multifunction IED Gen 4 [GE Energy] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
1999 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal REF615 [ABB Oy] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
1998 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal NZD68 Bay Control Unit [Nanjing Sino-German Protection & Substation Control Systems Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
1997 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal NZD7 Protection and Measuring [Nanjing Sino-German Protection & Substation Control Systems Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
1996 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal NS3600 Protection, Supervisory [NARI Group Corporation] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
1995 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal NS3500 UHV Measuring and Contr [NARI Group Corporation] 07/08/2021 04:21 PM Actions
(2126-2150/2269) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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