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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
6553 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High Removal of InfGrid package InfSIPS 09/04/2024 10:51 AM Actions
6630 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


Update Identity and naming description 09/04/2024 10:51 AM Actions
6634 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301; 61970-452

Simplify Name model using enum 09/04/2024 10:52 AM Actions
5068 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


Energy allocation to devices 09/04/2024 10:53 AM Actions
5340 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM (61968-13) artifacts not published 09/04/2024 10:54 AM Actions
5341 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CPSM (61970-452) artifacts not published 09/04/2024 10:54 AM Actions
5896 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM conflicting roles RotatingMachine.HydroPump and HydroPump.RotatingMachine 09/04/2024 10:56 AM Actions
6870 WG14 Part 4 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Cable Info classes 09/06/2024 01:27 PM Actions
6712 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Review Normal UML descriptions for <<Primitive>> types in the Domain package need review and references to W3C and other standards migration into IS publications. 09/16/2024 02:06 PM Actions
4995 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Time intervalsFor time intervals to be used in series the 09/16/2024 02:36 PM Actions
5976 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal CIM-61850 Harmonization - revise control model for DiscreteCommand (e.g. raise/lower) 09/16/2024 02:53 PM Actions
5975 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal CIM-61850 Harmonization - define a standard list of control types 09/16/2024 02:55 PM Actions
5974 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal CIM-61850 Harmonization - allow direct association IED to MeasurementValue 09/16/2024 02:55 PM Actions
5973 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low CIM-61850 Harmonization - consider Measurement classes with multiple values (vector, Wye ...) 09/16/2024 02:56 PM Actions
5972 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal CIM-61850 Harmonization - define a method of using IEC 61850 data object names as measurement types 09/16/2024 02:56 PM Actions
6610 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High

61970-301; 61970-452

Multiple issue Measurement and Control 09/16/2024 02:56 PM Actions
6926 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Domain RotationSpeed 09/17/2024 09:07 AM Actions
6806 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC 61970-453

DL Template Problems 09/17/2024 04:20 PM Actions
5886 WG13 Issues CIM Issues In Progress Normal


CDPSM missing TransformerTank and TransformerTankEnd 09/18/2024 08:26 AM Actions
6341 WG13 Issues CIM Issues In Progress Normal

61970-301, 61970-452

[GMDM #4] Support for transformer type designation / determination 09/18/2024 08:56 AM Actions
6147 WG13 Issues CIM Issues In Progress Normal [GMDM #1] Streamlining of tank-based transformer modelling 09/18/2024 09:26 AM Actions
5375 WG13 Issues CIM Issues In Progress Urgent Clean up transformer documentation - Margaret removed paragraphs from Part-11 and see where they fit [GMDM #5] (align xf descriptions in 61870-301, -457 and 61968-11, -13) 09/18/2024 10:23 AM Actions
5894 WG13 Issues CIM Issues In Progress Normal


CDPSM conflicting roles OperationalLimitType.OperationalLimit and OperationalLimit.OperationalLimitType 09/18/2024 11:05 AM Actions
5076 WG13 Issues CIM Issues In Progress High

61970-301, 61970-452, 61970-456

Convention and usage of operational limits of GeneratingUnit and injections 09/18/2024 11:47 AM Actions
5097 WG13 Issues CIM Issues In Progress Normal

61970-301, 61970-452

Allow OperationalLimitSet to be described by a Season by adding a new association between OperationalLimitSet and Season 09/18/2024 12:00 PM Actions
(2026-2050/2288) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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