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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
6499 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Explanation text on the application of check conditions 10/05/2023 08:57 AM Actions
6500 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Parameters to enforce the checking of interlocking and synchronism 10/05/2023 08:57 AM Actions
6378 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 1/8 10/05/2023 08:56 AM Actions
6393 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 7/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6392 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 6/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6391 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 5/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6390 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 4/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6389 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 3/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6388 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 2/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6394 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 8/8 09/14/2023 08:04 AM Actions
6375 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal XCBR LN new DO to describe withdrawable circuit breaker 08/24/2023 07:57 AM Actions
5803 WG16 Issues CIM Issues In Progress Normal Add meterReadingPeriodicity attribute (String) in the MarketEvaluationPoint class 09/15/2022 04:01 PM Actions
3098 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Improvement 1 WG17 In Progress Normal Need to Change 8-1 to allow multiple DOs to be written 03/29/2022 09:36 AM Actions
623 IEC 61850 User Feedback Task Force Feature 19 RTE In Progress Normal New LN of group L (as "LPLE") representing a group of LED 03/02/2021 09:42 AM Actions
7084 Server Issues Resolved Normal sTmP5 clarify the format of LTMS.TmsSrc = GMCID 01/07/2025 08:50 AM Actions
7062 General Testing Issues Improvement Resolved Normal Need to be able to test Virtual IEC 61850 Devices 01/07/2025 08:40 AM Actions
6617 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal tIieN1 - can a popup warning be considered as 'not allowed' 01/07/2025 08:25 AM Actions
6988 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCtl16 in TP1.3 is in conflict with 7-4 Table B.1 01/07/2025 08:11 AM Actions
6990 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSvp9 step 4 PTP class not 6/7 with/without holdover time? 12/10/2024 08:26 AM Actions
7028 Server Issues Resolved Normal There is no conformance procedure/block for TimeOperated Control 11/12/2024 09:16 AM Actions
6897 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCnf7, sCnf66 services can be defined on IED and AccessPoint when identical 11/12/2024 08:31 AM Actions
6991 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCnf75 not all devices have control objects 11/12/2024 08:08 AM Actions
7029 Client Issues Resolved Normal cFtN3 step 2: SetFile has no Ed1 specific error code 10/29/2024 09:03 AM Actions
7010 Client Issues Resolved Low UCA logo is missing on the certificate template of the goose performance 10/29/2024 09:02 AM Actions
6989 Server Issues Resolved Normal sSvp14 for Backwards the max MSVID is 34 char not 32 10/29/2024 08:56 AM Actions
(176-200/2267) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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