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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
636 Client Issues Resolved High Mandate RCB reservation for Ed2.0 client and Amd1 server 04/20/2021 02:23 PM Actions
6821 Server Issues Resolved Normal Missing SMVsc check - sCnf130 07/23/2024 08:37 AM Actions
6483 Server Issues Resolved Normal Need to be able to test 61850-7-420 (Ed2) 06/10/2024 09:25 AM Actions
5327 Client Issues Resolved Normal PIXIT - add processing/mapping of quality bits 06/28/2022 09:44 AM Actions
6325 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal PIXIT missing entries on tIie1 "when supported" 05/16/2023 08:04 AM Actions
7008 Server Issues Rejected Normal Proposal to change Mandatory test items related to compatibility to Conditional 10/01/2024 08:19 AM Actions
654 Server Issues Rejected Low Publish/subscribe minimum length data GOOSE 01/24/2023 09:02 AM Actions
7128 Server Issues New Normal Reconfiguration of aLGOS / LSVS prefix insitance number in SCT test is missing 02/10/2025 01:14 AM Actions
6489 GOOSE Performance Issues Resolved Normal Reducing the needed resources for time correlated subscribed GOOSE not used for ping-pong 01/23/2024 08:05 AM Actions
7073 Server Issues Resolved Normal Reference to SICS I211 01/21/2025 08:30 AM Actions
5926 SCL Tooling Issues Resolved Normal Review ICT TP 11/29/2022 07:23 AM Actions
6823 Server Issues Resolved Normal sAss4 - Step 2 indicates two different situations with localDetailCalling 08/06/2024 08:15 AM Actions
5138 Server Issues Rejected Normal sBr13 without pre-assignment 12/13/2021 04:43 AM Actions
6817 Server Issues Resolved Normal sBr25 purge only when attribute value change 08/06/2024 08:20 AM Actions
5344 Server Issues Rejected Normal sBr29 power-up the IED is missing 06/02/2022 04:12 PM Actions
6777 Client Issues Resolved Normal SCD import and Tool Functionality test procedures 05/28/2024 08:05 AM Actions
7125 Server Issues New Normal sCnf test procedures are not listed on certificates 02/07/2025 03:24 AM Actions
7082 Server Issues Rejected Normal sCnf121 requires to use lnNs for the 61869-9 extensions 01/07/2025 08:59 AM Actions
5906 Server Issues Rejected Normal sCnf51 at least one LPHD 09/06/2022 08:20 AM Actions
6324 SCL Tooling Issues Rejected Normal sCnf6 - not all extRef require intAddr not referring to external device 05/16/2023 08:44 AM Actions
6897 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCnf7, sCnf66 services can be defined on IED and AccessPoint when identical 11/12/2024 08:31 AM Actions
6991 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCnf75 not all devices have control objects 11/12/2024 08:08 AM Actions
6904 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCtl14 in TP1.3 does not reflect the Issue #6214 resolution 10/29/2024 08:53 AM Actions
6988 Server Issues Resolved Normal sCtl16 in TP1.3 is in conflict with 7-4 Table B.1 01/07/2025 08:11 AM Actions
6471 Client Issues Resolved Normal Select.response+ (Tissue 1753) 08/22/2023 08:10 AM Actions
(151-175/2288) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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