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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
5316 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC 61968 series

How to best associate the CIM with other related information standards such as ERP, GML, and BIM 02/13/2023 12:23 PM Actions
5365 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues Open Low

All WG13 and WG14 stds

Version control in XSDs 02/13/2023 11:51 AM Actions
5812 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Add a new BusinessSector class in the MarketManagement package. 09/22/2022 11:41 AM Actions
5813 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Add attribute type (string) in the BusinessSector class to tell the specific Businss sector [required]. 09/22/2022 11:41 AM Actions
5814 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Associate the class BusinessSector with the MarketDocument class (many-many-association). 09/22/2022 11:41 AM Actions
5815 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Associate the class BusinessSector with the TimeSeries class (many-many-association). 09/22/2022 11:40 AM Actions
5816 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Associate the class BusinessSector with the MktActivityRecord class (many-many-association). 09/22/2022 11:40 AM Actions
5818 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Consider enhancing the FuelSource enumeration to include more fuel types 08/17/2022 04:33 AM Actions
5857 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal MarketProductType enum values update 08/08/2022 06:03 PM Actions
5847 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal IEC62325 Dependency Diagram Update 08/08/2022 05:59 PM Actions
5839 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal ResourceCapacity; Propose to use DecimalQuantity for the attributes defaultCapacity, maximumCapacity, minimumCapacity 08/08/2022 05:56 PM Actions
5830 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal MarketProductType new enum values 08/08/2022 05:53 PM Actions
5829 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Environmental Profile diagrams moved to Environmental package 08/08/2022 05:52 PM Actions
5802 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Add scheduledMeterReadingDate attribute (String) in the MarketEvaluationPoint class 08/08/2022 05:44 PM Actions
5794 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal MarketParticipant association to MarketRole 08/08/2022 05:40 PM Actions
5764 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Clean up of RegisteredInterTie attributes 08/08/2022 05:21 PM Actions
5762 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal RegisteredLoad clean-up of attributes 08/08/2022 05:20 PM Actions
5760 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Addition of new Anode types 08/08/2022 05:20 PM Actions
5750 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal The characteristics of a MSG Generating Plant uses similar definition as a RegisteredGenerator. 07/19/2022 05:59 PM Actions
4973 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal IEC61970Dependencies diagram not right for new Base and Dyn 09/14/2021 03:47 PM Actions
4946 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low HydroPowerPlant inherit PSR There is Plant class that inher 09/14/2021 03:47 PM Actions
7099 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Current Measurement SAMU 01/13/2025 08:45 AM Actions
7098 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Voltage Measurement SAMU 01/13/2025 08:41 AM Actions
7090 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal PowerLogicTM P7 12/31/2024 08:37 AM Actions
7088 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ECU-4784 12/29/2024 09:56 AM Actions
(151-175/2269) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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