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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
3030 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal AMT-7000 Multipurpose Power Sys Recorder [Kinkei System Corporation] 07/11/2021 10:00 AM Actions
3029 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SR350 Feeder Protection System 3 series [GE Power Management, S.L. ] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
3028 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal UR N60 Network Stability and Synchrophas [GE Grid Automation] 08/04/2021 09:37 AM Actions
3027 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Rejected Normal F650 Digital Bay Controller [GE Power Management, S.L.] 08/04/2021 09:37 AM Actions
3025 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal VAMP 57 Feeder Manager [Schneider Electric - Vamp Oy] 07/11/2021 09:59 AM Actions
3024 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal PQI96 -Power Quality Instrument [ JSC “Electropribor”] 07/11/2021 09:59 AM Actions
3022 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal BEMP DZT 07/11/2021 09:59 AM Actions
3018 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal REC670 Bay Control [ABB AB] 07/11/2021 10:00 AM Actions
3017 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal DS Agile Gateway [GE Grid Solutions] 07/11/2021 09:59 AM Actions
3016 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal DS Agile C264 [GE Grid Solutions] 07/11/2021 09:59 AM Actions
3015 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal GTW-Gateway Software for PACiS Solution [Schneider Electric] 07/11/2021 10:00 AM Actions
3014 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal EcoSUI-PACiS local HMI [Schneider Electric] 07/11/2021 10:00 AM Actions
3013 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal PCM600 [ABB Oy] 06/01/2022 11:07 AM Actions
3012 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MiCOM AGILE P741 BUSBAR DIFFERENTIAL PRO [M/s. GE T&D India Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:02 PM Actions
3011 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SAS-PYLON-V2 Substation Automation Syste [PNC Technologies Co., Ltd.] 07/11/2021 10:56 AM Actions
3010 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal iEMS-10-IEC61850-Gateway [ControlNet International Inc.] 07/08/2021 05:02 PM Actions
3009 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal HVDC-IED [GENAD SYSTEM Co.] 07/08/2021 05:02 PM Actions
3008 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SA-IMD SA Information Monitoring & Diagn [HANSHIN ELECTRIC Co.,Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:02 PM Actions
3007 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ECU-4784 Information Conn Device;SA-ICD [HANSHIN ELECTRIC Co.,Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:02 PM Actions
3006 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Z4G4 SA Operation Processing Dev; SA-OPD [HANSHIN ELECTRIC Co.,Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:02 PM Actions
3005 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Delta Grid [Delta Electronics, Inc.] 07/08/2021 05:02 PM Actions
3004 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MiCOM P40 Agile P14NB Feeder Management [GE Renewable Energy] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
3003 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal NSR-378 TRANSFORMER PROTECTION [NARI Technology Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:02 PM Actions
3002 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal NSR-371 BUSBAR PROTECTION [NARI Technology Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:02 PM Actions
3001 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal NSR-303 LINE DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION [NARI Technology Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
3000 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SAS-PYLON-V2 Substation AutomationSystem [PNC Technologies Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2999 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SAS-PYLON-V2 Substation AutomationSystem [PNC Technologies Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2998 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal IED PAC-NX100 [PNC Technologies Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2997 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MiCOM P40 Agile P94VR Feeder Management [GE Renewable Energy] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
2996 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal IED DIPR-7000 [DEESYS Co., Ltd. ] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2995 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal IED K-IEC BC100 [Kyongbo Electric Co., Ltd. ] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2994 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SPPA-T3000 + CS3000 HW3 Communication [Siemens AG] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2993 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ECU-4784 Subsation Automation Local Info [Sanion Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2992 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SMD-K020 Subsation Automation Informatio [Sanion Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2991 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ECU-4784 Substation Automation Informati [Sanion Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2990 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal 4HJ56AV Substation Automation Operation [Sanion Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2989 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MVR-F255 Feeder protection IED [DEIF A/S] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2988 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal APM5000 Server Partial Discharge Monitor [Advanced Power Management Co.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2987 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ESM-HV400-24-A2E4-02S with ENMV-1 [Engineering Center Energoservice] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2986 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal AQ-250: AQ-F255 Feeder protection IED [Arcteq Relays Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2985 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal YS-IMS-GW IMS(Integrated Main Station)G1 [YOUSUNG Instrument & Electric Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2984 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SWIED-CU100 IEC61850 Communication Unit [SEWON Systech Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2983 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ETR606 Controller [ENTEC Electric & Electronic Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2982 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Sirius-2ML-02 (??????-2??-02) Protection [Radius Avtomatica] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2981 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SMART-KP2 (?????-??2) Power facility lev [RTSoft, AO] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2980 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal TPA-01 (???-01) Protection, Automation, [Prosoft-Systems Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2979 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal PNCSDP-100A Smart Digital Processor [PNC Technologies Co., Ltd.] 07/11/2021 10:59 AM Actions
2978 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal HAMCS H1-CCP Converter Control & Protect [Hyosung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.] 07/11/2021 11:00 AM Actions
2977 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Multilin G500 Advanced Substation Gatewa [GE Multilin] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
2976 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MiCOM AGILE P743 BUSBAR DIFFERENTIAL PRO [M/s. GE T&D India Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:01 PM Actions
2975 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal DW-SPiN IEC 61850 Client Multi-HMI [Daewoong Electric Co. Ltd.] 07/10/2021 06:20 PM Actions
2974 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal AQ-300: AQ-L359 Line protection IED [Arcteq Relays Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2973 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SSC600 Smart substation control and prot [ABB Oy] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2972 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal GRH200 High-Impedance Differential Prote [TOSHIBA Corporation] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2971 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal GRE200 Multi Functional Protection [TOSHIBA Corporation] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2970 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal YSIED Intelligent Local Station YS-UPTOS [YOUSUNG Instrument & Electric Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2969 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SIPROTEC 5 6MU85 Merging Unit/Bay Unit [Siemens AG] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2968 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal PCS-9613S Differential Relay [NR Electric Co., Ltd.] 07/11/2021 11:02 AM Actions
2967 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MFP-H2SB(652PSA) Overcurrent Protection [Mitsubishi Electric Corporation] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2966 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MFP-H2SB(652PSA) Overcurrent Protection [Mitsubishi Electric Corporation] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2965 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MCD-HA(506PNA) Line Protection Relay [Mitsubishi Electric Corporation] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2964 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MCD-HA(506PNA) Line Protection Relay [Mitsubishi Electric Corporation] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2963 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SPiN-IMCU IED [Daewoong Electric Co. Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2962 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal DW-SpiN IEC 61850 Client GW (Gateway) [Daewoong Electric Co. Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2961 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal HEPI 61850 ESS Server [Hankook Electric Power Information Co.] 07/11/2021 11:02 AM Actions
2960 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal PKUS SKO Digital Teleprotection Equipmen [Unitel Engineering LLC] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2959 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal DW-SPiN lEC 61850 Client HMI [Daewoong Electric Co. Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2958 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal EtherFOS RTU [ACandT System, Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2957 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MiCOM P40 Agile P94VR Feeder Management [GE Renewable Energy] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
2956 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MiCOM P40 Agile P14NB [GE Renewable Energy] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
2955 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Acuvim IIW Power Meter with AXM-WEB2 [Accuenergy (Canada) Inc.] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2954 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal EKRASCADA SCADA System [EKRA Research and Production Enterprise, Ltd.] 07/11/2021 10:16 AM Actions
2953 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal DCP3 Multifunctional Device for DC tract [Tianjin Keyvia Electric Co.Ltd.] 07/11/2021 11:03 AM Actions
2952 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SIPROTEC 5 6MU85 Merging Unit / Bay Unit [Siemens AG] 06/13/2022 03:05 PM Actions
2951 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal OrionLX+ Automation Platform [NovaTech LLC] 07/11/2021 10:16 AM Actions
2950 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Substation Automation Local Information [HANSHIN ELECTRIC Co.,Ltd.] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2949 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SMRT410 Relay Test System (4U4I) [Megger] 06/13/2022 03:06 PM Actions
2948 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal DAONSYS-MSA-SMD Substation Automation In [DAONSYS Limited Company] 07/11/2021 11:04 AM Actions
2947 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal K-SDP Smart Control and Data Acquisition [KOOSSTECH. Inc.] 07/08/2021 05:00 PM Actions
2946 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SA-LID Subsation Automation Local Inform [GENAD SYSTEM Co.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2945 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal XGWC XGateway Client [Daum IT Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2944 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal XGWS XGateway Server [Daum IT Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2943 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal DS Agile C264 BAY CONTROL UNIT [M/s. GE T&D India Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2942 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MiCOM P40 Agile P14DL Feeder Protection [GE Renewable Energy] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2941 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ECU-4784 Substation Automation Informati [Sanion Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2940 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal 4HJ56AV Substation Automation Operation [Sanion Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2939 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal ECU-4784 Subsation Automation Local Info [Sanion Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2938 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SMD-K020 Subsation Automation Informatio [Sanion Co., Ltd.] 07/11/2021 11:05 AM Actions
2937 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Substation Automation Operation Processi [Dowoo Digitech] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2936 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Easergy P5M30 Motor Protection Device [Schneider Electric Industries SAS] 07/09/2021 09:31 AM Actions
2935 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal Easergy P5M30 Motor Protection Device [Schneider Electric Industries SAS] 07/09/2021 09:31 AM Actions
2934 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal UR N60 Network Stability and Synchrophas [GE Renewable Energy] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
2933 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal MiCOM Agile P743 Busbar Protection [GE Renewable Energy] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
2932 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal P40 Agile Enhanced P14DL [GE Renewable Energy] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
2931 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal IED SecuBox [Eunicesoft Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2930 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal OrionLX+ Automation Platform [NovaTech LLC] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2929 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal HS-TNM-61850C Substation Automation Info [Hyosung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.] 07/11/2021 11:05 AM Actions
2928 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal YH-EPM-2000 CLIENT [YOUHO ELECTRIC IND. CO., LTD.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2927 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal SG B750 Digital Busbar Protection [Guo Dian Nanjing Automation Co., Ltd.] 07/08/2021 04:59 PM Actions
2926 IEC 61850 Certificate IEC 61850 Certificate Approved Normal P40 Agile P14D Feeder Management Relay [GE Renewable Energy] 08/04/2021 09:38 AM Actions
(501-600/2204) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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