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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
6181 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal Schneider Electric SCADAPack 535E 11/13/2022 11:18 PM Actions
6180 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal Moxa MGate 5109 11/13/2022 11:13 PM Actions
6179 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energias Limpias UCM-CFE 11/13/2022 11:06 PM Actions
6150 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal Ingeteam INGESAS IC3 10/31/2022 08:54 AM Actions
6149 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal SEL-411L-0 07/27/2023 09:57 AM Actions
7085 WG16 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Bid attributes missing descriptions. 12/19/2024 02:06 PM Actions
7076 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues New Normal Place for meeting minutes from common meetings regarding CIM UML 12/12/2024 02:25 PM Actions
7075 WG16 Issues CIM Issues New Normal InterTieBid attribute minHourlyBlock has a trailing whitespace in the attribute name that should be removed 12/11/2024 03:59 PM Actions
7035 Market Management CIM Issues New Normal Add a category attribute to the EnergyMarket class in MarketManagment package 10/25/2024 02:40 AM Actions
7025 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Standardized the use of flow/direction across working groups and CIM packages (Grid, Enterprise, Market) 01/16/2025 10:57 AM Actions
7009 Market Management CIM Issues In Progress Normal Addition of EnergyCharacteristics to MarketManagement 01/16/2025 10:57 AM Actions
6995 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Add transmission composite load model 09/20/2024 11:26 AM Actions
6993 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Modeling of multiple inverters mapping to PCC 09/20/2024 10:24 AM Actions
6983 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Diagram HyperLink 10/02/2024 10:09 AM Actions
6926 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Domain RotationSpeed 09/17/2024 09:07 AM Actions
6924 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Add subclasses of SubSchedulingArea 11/08/2024 02:13 PM Actions
6890 Market Management CIM Issues Open Normal Addition of Permission class to MarketManagement 12/05/2024 10:20 AM Actions
6889 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High Modelling of composite loads 09/04/2024 10:42 AM Actions
6870 WG14 Part 4 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Cable Info classes 09/06/2024 01:27 PM Actions
6831 WG14 Part 11 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal ProductAssetModel.weightTotal and SwitchInfo.gasWeigthPerTank have type Mass as a string and not as a link to CIMDataType Mass 09/19/2024 03:59 PM Actions
6822 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Why are WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics models required to link to another AsynchronousMachineDynamics model rather than directly associating with the AsynchronousMachine? 09/04/2024 10:44 AM Actions
6800 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Ambiguous associations between RelayDynamics and ConductingEquipment(end role name = ProtectedEquipment) and ProtectionEquipment (end role name = ProtectedEquipment) 09/04/2024 10:45 AM Actions
6789 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues New Normal Need new cdPerm2 enumerated value for Unit Symbol 05/16/2024 03:29 PM Actions
6778 Market Operations CIM Issues Rejected Normal RegisteredDistributedResource vs RegisteredResource attributes 06/10/2024 09:42 AM Actions
6766 WG16 Issues CIM Issues Rejected Normal ResourceCertification attribute type is generic and could be renamed to a more describe attribute name 06/10/2024 10:31 AM Actions
(76-100/2267) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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