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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
6889 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High Modelling of composite loads 09/04/2024 10:42 AM Actions
6873 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC 61790-456

Create support for fault and unsolved solution 09/04/2024 10:43 AM Actions
6872 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC 61970-456, IEC 61970-450

Make TP easier to compare 09/04/2024 10:43 AM Actions
6871 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC 61970-456, IEC 61970-450

Review the existing TP and SV profiles to determine a more logical split 09/04/2024 10:43 AM Actions
6831 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal ProductAssetModel.weightTotal and SwitchInfo.gasWeigthPerTank have type Mass as a string and not as a link to CIMDataType Mass 09/04/2024 10:44 AM Actions
6822 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Why are WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics models required to link to another AsynchronousMachineDynamics model rather than directly associating with the AsynchronousMachine? 09/04/2024 10:44 AM Actions
6713 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Update namespace and profile from http to https 09/04/2024 10:44 AM Actions
6736 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC 61970-301

Quality61850 Class does not match the definition of Quality in IEC 61850-7-2 09/04/2024 10:45 AM Actions
6758 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High Measurement issues 09/04/2024 10:45 AM Actions
6773 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC61970-301, IEC61970-452

DC device containment rules need to be updated 09/04/2024 10:45 AM Actions
6800 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal Ambiguous associations between RelayDynamics and ConductingEquipment(end role name = ProtectedEquipment) and ProtectionEquipment (end role name = ProtectedEquipment) 09/04/2024 10:45 AM Actions
6806 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC 61970-453

DL Template Problems 09/04/2024 10:45 AM Actions
6807 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC 61970-301

Add classes for EV, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, Charging Station, Charging Park, Charging Zone 09/04/2024 10:45 AM Actions
6809 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

IEC 61970-301

Migrate approved Ext* Protection Equipment and Network Code extensions into normative CIM 09/04/2024 10:46 AM Actions
6811 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


Clean up Equivalent modelling descriptions and classnames 09/04/2024 10:46 AM Actions
5897 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM Substation.Station and Substation.SupplyingStation 09/04/2024 10:47 AM Actions
5971 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low CIM-61850 Harmonization - Consider modelling fans, pump motors and battery systems as types of auxiliary equipment 09/04/2024 10:47 AM Actions
5972 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal CIM-61850 Harmonization - define a method of using IEC 61850 data object names as measurement types 09/04/2024 10:47 AM Actions
5973 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low CIM-61850 Harmonization - consider Measurement classes with multiple values (vector, Wye ...) 09/04/2024 10:48 AM Actions
5974 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal CIM-61850 Harmonization - allow direct association IED to MeasurementValue 09/04/2024 10:48 AM Actions
5975 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal CIM-61850 Harmonization - define a standard list of control types 09/04/2024 10:48 AM Actions
5976 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal CIM-61850 Harmonization - revise control model for DiscreteCommand (e.g. raise/lower) 09/04/2024 10:48 AM Actions
5977 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61968-13, 61968-11, 61970-600-2

Cardinality of PowerSystemResource to Location 09/04/2024 10:48 AM Actions
5978 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


Remove serialization instructions from the UML description of mRID 09/04/2024 10:49 AM Actions
6147 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal [GMDM #1] Streamlining of tank-based transformer modelling 09/04/2024 10:49 AM Actions
6178 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Relation between ResourcePerformanceEvaluation and ResourcePerformanceGlobalFactor contains a typo at the source side (role) of the association. 09/04/2024 10:49 AM Actions
6247 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


Missing support for fault indicators 09/04/2024 10:49 AM Actions
6299 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal OperationalLimitType; add an attribute to hold the "type" of limit, such as Emergency, Normal, ... 09/04/2024 10:49 AM Actions
6328 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High

IEC 61970-301, IEC 61970-452, IEC 61070-600

Required usage of BusbarSection 09/04/2024 10:49 AM Actions
6329 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High

IEC61970-301, IEC61970-456

VsConverter required and optional attributes in SSH and SV Profiles 09/04/2024 10:49 AM Actions
6341 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301, 61970-452

[GMDM #4] Support for transformer type designation / determination 09/04/2024 10:50 AM Actions
6342 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301, 61970-452, 61968-13

[GMDM #8] Phase modeling on the low side of residential and commercial service transformers 09/04/2024 10:50 AM Actions
6343 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301, 61970-452, 61968-13

[GMDM #7] Convention for use of xxxPhase classes 09/04/2024 10:50 AM Actions
6344 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301, 61970-452, 61968-13

[GMDM #10] Add .orderedPhases attribute on LinearShuntCompensatorPhase 09/04/2024 10:50 AM Actions
6345 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301, 61970-452, 61968-13

[GMDM #13] Overhead / underground indicator on equipment 09/04/2024 10:50 AM Actions
6346 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301,, 61968-13

[GMDM #14] Indicating starting point for feeder tracing 09/04/2024 10:50 AM Actions
6357 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301, 61970-452, 61968-13

[GMDM #9] Modeling behind the inverter 09/04/2024 10:51 AM Actions
6528 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


Evaluate information provided by IntraphaseSpacing class 09/04/2024 10:51 AM Actions
6553 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High Removal of InfGrid package InfSIPS 09/04/2024 10:51 AM Actions
6610 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High

61970-301; 61970-452

Multiple issue Measurement and Control 09/04/2024 10:51 AM Actions
6616 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301; 61970-452

Add SubstationKind 09/04/2024 10:51 AM Actions
6630 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


Update Identity and naming description 09/04/2024 10:51 AM Actions
6634 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301; 61970-452

Simplify Name model using enum 09/04/2024 10:52 AM Actions
6680 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open High


Support time series/schedule for SSH 09/04/2024 10:52 AM Actions
5068 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


Energy allocation to devices 09/04/2024 10:53 AM Actions
5093 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal [GMDM #6] Clarify ambiguity on using Terminal phases for unbalanced loads. 09/04/2024 10:53 AM Actions
5097 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61970-301, 61970-452

Allow OperationalLimitSet to be described by a Season by adding a new association between OperationalLimitSet and Season 09/04/2024 10:53 AM Actions
5303 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal

61968-11, 61968-4, 61970-301, 61968-13

5302:5303 61970 portion of TransformerTank to TransformerTankInfo association 09/04/2024 10:54 AM Actions
5313 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Low Better description for governorSCD 09/04/2024 10:54 AM Actions
5340 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM (61968-13) artifacts not published 09/04/2024 10:54 AM Actions
5341 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CPSM (61970-452) artifacts not published 09/04/2024 10:54 AM Actions
5868 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal New BusSegment for busbar modeling 09/04/2024 10:55 AM Actions
5886 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM missing TransformerTank and TransformerTankEnd 09/04/2024 10:55 AM Actions
5887 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM CatalogAssetType.TypeAssetCatalogue 09/04/2024 10:55 AM Actions
5889 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM WireInfo.WireInfoType 09/04/2024 10:55 AM Actions
5890 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM WirePhaseInfo.WireEarthInfo 09/04/2024 10:55 AM Actions
5891 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM CurrentTransformer.CurrentTransformerPhase 09/04/2024 10:55 AM Actions
5892 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM EquipmentContainer.WeatherStation 09/04/2024 10:55 AM Actions
5893 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM conflicting roles HydroPowerPlant.HydroPumps and HydroPump.HydroPowerPlant 09/04/2024 10:56 AM Actions
5894 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM conflicting roles OperationalLimitType.OperationalLimit and OperationalLimit.OperationalLimitType 09/04/2024 10:56 AM Actions
5895 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM OperationalLimitSet.RateTemperature 09/04/2024 10:56 AM Actions
5896 WG13 Issues CIM Issues Open Normal


CDPSM conflicting roles RotatingMachine.HydroPump and HydroPump.RotatingMachine 09/04/2024 10:56 AM Actions
5375 WG13 Issues CIM Issues In Progress Urgent Clean up transformer documentation - Margaret removed paragraphs from Part-11 and see where they fit [GMDM #5] (align xf descriptions in 61870-301, -457 and 61968-11, -13) 09/04/2024 11:14 AM Actions
6870 WG14 Part 4 Issues CIM Issues New Normal Cable Info classes 09/06/2024 01:27 PM Actions
5005 WG13 Issues CIM Issues In Progress High


GroundDisconnector examples. The intended use of GroundDisconnector 09/11/2024 11:05 AM Actions
6150 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal Ingeteam INGESAS IC3 10/31/2022 08:54 AM Actions
6179 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energias Limpias UCM-CFE 11/13/2022 11:06 PM Actions
6180 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal Moxa MGate 5109 11/13/2022 11:13 PM Actions
6181 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal Schneider Electric SCADAPack 535E 11/13/2022 11:18 PM Actions
6182 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal IDS ACOS 750 11/13/2022 11:25 PM Actions
6183 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal Lucy Electric Gemini 3 mini 11/13/2022 11:34 PM Actions
6340 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal CYG SUNRI PRS-3351 05/19/2023 10:38 AM Actions
6149 DNP Conformance Certificates DNP Conformance Certificate Approved Normal SEL-411L-0 07/27/2023 09:57 AM Actions
6377 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New High Update the Switchgear / Breaker Model 06/14/2023 08:17 AM Actions
6379 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Clarification on the ctlModel 3/3 06/14/2023 08:17 AM Actions
6380 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Clarification on the ctlModel 2/3 06/14/2023 08:18 AM Actions
6382 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Clarification on the ctlModel 1/3 06/14/2023 08:18 AM Actions
6383 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Single phase and multi phase trip indication for the autorecloser 06/14/2023 08:19 AM Actions
6384 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal New controllable DO in RREC to define the mode of the recloser of the circuit breaker 06/14/2023 08:19 AM Actions
6385 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Voltage protection: Undervoltage protection - 3ph operate 06/14/2023 08:19 AM Actions
6386 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Voltage protection: Overvoltage protection - 3ph operate 06/14/2023 08:20 AM Actions
6387 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal S/S related applications: Auxiliary circuit supervision 06/14/2023 08:20 AM Actions
6405 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Schedules - allow updates to single values while schedules are running 06/20/2023 08:35 AM Actions
6406 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Schedules - add optional data objects to support irregular interval schedules 06/20/2023 08:36 AM Actions
6407 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Schedules - allow 3 values per time point 06/20/2023 08:36 AM Actions
6408 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Clarification of addCause 06/20/2023 08:37 AM Actions
6497 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 New Normal Explanation text of IEC/TR 61850-7-500 clause 08/02/2023 10:43 AM Actions
6375 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal XCBR LN new DO to describe withdrawable circuit breaker 08/24/2023 07:57 AM Actions
6482 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Figures 36, 37, 38 09/14/2023 07:56 AM Actions
6394 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 8/8 09/14/2023 08:04 AM Actions
6393 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 7/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6392 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 6/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6391 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 5/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6390 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 4/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6389 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 3/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6388 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 2/8 10/05/2023 08:55 AM Actions
6378 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Clarifications on the local/remote concept 1/8 10/05/2023 08:56 AM Actions
6500 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Parameters to enforce the checking of interlocking and synchronism 10/05/2023 08:57 AM Actions
6499 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 In Progress Normal Explanation text on the application of check conditions 10/05/2023 08:57 AM Actions
6556 61850-7-5 and 61850-7-500 IEC61850-7-5 Redmine: 6443 New Normal How to impact the data quality of a data with respect to the communication links, the intermediate processing, the device hosting it. 10/26/2023 04:00 AM Actions
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