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# Project Tracker ID Source Status Priority Standard(s) Subject Updated
6143 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New High

TR IEC 61850-7-500, TR IEC 61850-90-3

Update the Switchgear / Breaker Model 10/26/2023 03:50 AM Actions
6619 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues New High

IEC61968-3 thru IEC61968-11, IEC61970-301, IEC62325-301

Renaming the CIM UML Model Packages 12/05/2023 12:37 PM Actions
6677 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC61968-11 Edition 4, IEC62325-301 Edition 4

Document Class Generalization Refinement 02/08/2024 10:33 AM Actions
6267 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues New High


Person and Organization Relationships 02/15/2023 09:31 AM Actions
6266 CIM Issues CIM Issues New Normal


Person and Person Role Modeling 02/15/2023 09:21 AM Actions
7002 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61970-600-2, IEC 61970-456

BusbarSection SvStatus must be updated in publications 09/24/2024 11:22 AM Actions
7007 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61970-600-1

IEC 61970-600-1 General Requirements clause updates. 09/25/2024 05:48 PM Actions
7034 WG13 Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61970-301, IEC 61970-452, IEC 61970-600-2

Resolve ambiguity / multiple interpretations (that conflict) in the constraints/rules/documents around ConnectivityNode containment for ACDCConverter scenario. 10/24/2024 12:37 PM Actions
7040 CIM Joint Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61970-301

Add attributes to time-series to record forecast uncertainty 11/19/2024 04:30 AM Actions
5885 CIM Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61970-301

Consider CIM measurement classes that can hold multiple measured values with the same timestamp and quality. 07/13/2022 10:50 AM Actions
5883 CIM Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61970-301

Define a standard way to define IEC 61850 data object names for MeasurementTypes and ControlTypes 07/13/2022 10:31 AM Actions
5882 CIM Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61970-301

Model fans, motors, battery systems and similar auxiliary equipment with terminals 07/13/2022 10:24 AM Actions
6543 WG14 Part 9 Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61968-9 and others

AccuracyClass for sensors 10/19/2023 09:43 AM Actions
5979 WG14 Part 9 Issues CIM Issues New Normal

IEC 61968-9 and others

Meter to UsagePoint relationship should be many-to-many 06/15/2023 09:32 AM Actions
6561 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-7-4

Modeling of primary equipment 10/26/2023 04:20 AM Actions
6524 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-7-4 - enable/disable LN via setting / new DO SetMod 10/26/2023 03:54 AM Actions
6220 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-7-4

Parameters not available in standardized GAPC LN - opDITmms, DITmms 10/26/2023 05:00 AM Actions
5965 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-7-4

Schedules - allow updates to single values while schedules are running 02/08/2024 05:31 AM Actions
5878 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-7-4

Technical reports to be considered in edition 3 of IEC 61850-7-4 02/08/2024 05:20 AM Actions
6701 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-7-3

Integration of proposed and canceled amendment 2 of part 7-3 02/08/2024 05:25 AM Actions
5121 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-7-2

sFt2ab does not verify that the LastModified value is consistent or changes when file is modified 02/08/2024 05:18 AM Actions
6700 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-6

Investigate to align to the new CIM model of transformers 02/08/2024 05:26 AM Actions
6319 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-6

maxAttributes - conflicting requirements between GOOSE and reporting 10/26/2023 04:58 AM Actions
6265 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850-6

track changes in SCL to know when a device needs to be updated based on new SCD version 02/19/2024 10:56 AM Actions
6358 IEC TC57 WG10 Future Work WG10 Future Work New Normal

IEC 61850

IEC 61850-7-4 list of abbreviations 10/26/2023 04:56 AM Actions
(1-25/2243) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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