WG10 Future Work #7153
Describe autorecloser (RREC) states and transition for two breakers scheme
In North America, breaker-and-a-half, ring-bus, and double-bus double-breaker bus schemes are common for HV and EHV applications. In such applications, one protection relay trips/recloses two circuit breakers.
In 7-500 document, we discuss autorecloser states and transition in Section 15.6. We only cover the case for a single breaker application. In the case of two breakers, the relay usually denotes one breaker as the 'Leader' and the second breaker as the 'Follower'. The state transition for autorecloser states is complex as compared to a single breaker. Hence, we need to model autorecloser states and transition for two breakers scheme. Also, non-of the protection and control use case in 7-500 considers two breaker applications. We can update some of the existing use cases to describe the two breaker applications.
I am willing to volunteer to write a section and put it in 7-500 document.
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