CIM Issues #7132
InterrupterUnit has two associations with the name Bushing
InterrupterUnit has two associations with the name Bushing (one is for MovingContact and another is for FixedContact).
This is not allowed per Modeling Rules and Reccomendations:
Association end names should be unique among all specialisations of a class. For example, if IdentifiedObject associates to the Name class with an end name of “Name”, no specialisation of IdentifiedObject may create another association whose end name is “Name” regardless of the class to which it associates. Note that any number of associations from other classes may use the same name (e.g. “IdentifiedObject”) as the association end name on the IdentifiedObject end of the association, as long as the prior rule of uniqueness among specializations is respected.
Proposed Solution
Renaming Bushing
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