CIM Issues #7035
Add a category attribute to the EnergyMarket class in MarketManagment package
The Nordic RSC has started defining the CC (Capacity Calculation) processes related to the long-term (Y-1 and M-1). These long-term CC processes will be based on CGMs consisting of Peak and Valley scenarios (as per the Common Grid Model Methodology). In these discussions we have also investigated the additional CC data exchange to facilitate the Flow-Based calculation process.
Within our Day-ahead CCC (Coordinated Capacity Calculation) processes, we have utilized the following CIM documents to facilitate the needed additional data exchange. Similarly, in the LT (Long Term) CC processes we are expecting to continue using the same documents with further adjustments to the contents.
1. Capacity_MarketDocument (used to exchange allocation constraints)
2. Schedule_MarketDocument (used to exchange already allocated capacities)
3. GLSK_MarketDocument (used to exchange GLSK strategies)
4. CRAC_MarketDocument (used to exchange monitored elements, critical network elements and their constraints)
What we have now acknowledged is that these documents, in their current state, do not leave room within the same document to define data associated to these peak and valley scenarios (as it seems that this is quite a new concept to consider). This is because the TimeSeries -element used does not contain an attribute to specify whether the TimeSeries is to be associated to either of these types. Therefore, it would be beneficial from the LT CC processes point of view if a TimeSeries within these documents would have an additional element. This element would then define whether the content in the TimeSeries relates to Peak or Valley (or “Base” in case of day-ahead/intraday) scenario.
Proposed Solution
The suggested solution is to first add the category attribute to the TimeSeries classes in IEC 62325-301 and in IEC 62325-351 (ESMP).
The type of the attribute is suggested to be String in CIM/Market and of type Category_String in ESMP. Category_String has for instance the following codes: “Peak” and “Off peak” which could be used for “Peak scenario” and “Valley scenario.
2/27: Updated MR necessary due to attribute to be added to TimeSeries; Note a number of other onPeak/offPeak modeling exists within the CIM UML.