IEC61850-7-5 #6496
Typo in section 13.3
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TF 7-5 Project document:
IEC 61850-7-500
Related TISSUE:
The first paragraph of section 13.3 has a typo in the 3rd line. See the strikethrough and update below.
Most protection functions (LN Pxxx) provide in case of operation Start (DO Str) and Operate
(DO Op) if applicable. All the Op are collected by the LN PTRC (named in Figure 29 PTRC1)
which provides a common Trip (DO Str Tr) for the circuit breaker. In addition, there is also a
common Start (Str) and Operate (Op) as non-tripping information for other LNs and as
information option for the HMI. The basic use of PTRC is shown in Figure 29.
Updated by Keith Gray 9 months ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Keith Gray
- TF 7-5 Project document IEC 61850-7-500 added
Addressed during the 2024/06/13 TF7-5/7-500 meeting. Updated document will be placed in the collaboration platform after the meeting.